Javier Caballero

?Bienvenidos al mundo del espa?ol!

When I was eleven years old, my father came home one afternoon with a thick book under his arm. It was from the Time Life series about the countries of Europe. For several days I looked at the colourful pictures in this book with the natural curiosity of a child, especially those showing urban scenes of European capitals. I remember very well the part about Germany, where there was a photo showing a printed document in a strange and, for me at the time, unfamiliar script. This font, which I later realised was Gothic, stayed with me. I don't know why, but from that day on I made it my mission to find out the content of this document. As a result, I developed an interest in the German language at a young age. As soon as possible I started to learn it at the Goethe-Institut and consequently I had my first contacts with German culture. In this way, I got to know Germans who lived in Mexico City and became friends with some of them. As a result, the idea of living in Germany one day slowly grew in my mind. So the years went by and now I live and work here in this country.

Perhaps you have had a decisive experience in the past that has awakened in you the desire to learn Spanish or you simply need it to improve your CV for your professional future, either way, I would be delighted to help you learn the Spanish language.

I am Mexican and since 2007 I have been part of the team of lecturers at the Centre for Language Teaching at Paderborn University. I acquired my knowledge of teaching Spanish as a foreign language and business Spanish at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid), the Universidad de La Rioja and the Instituto Cervantes. I have also taken part in numerous seminars and training courses on foreign language didactics.