Modern Greek - νεοελληνικ??

Γεια σα? και καλ?? ?ρθατε στα μαθ?ματα ν?ων ελληνικ?ν στο Κ?ντρο Διδασκαλ?α? Γλωσσ?ν του Πανεπιστημ?ου του Paderborn.

Hello and welcome to the Modern Greek courses at the Language Centre at Paderborn University!

In­form­a­tion about the courses

For general information on enrolment and assessment, please read here.

The four skills (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking, writing) are practised in all courses. Information about the country is also taught.

Modern Greek I:
The course is aimed at beginners with no previous knowledge. The most important prerequisite is an interest in the Greek language and culture.

Modern Greek II: (to be added at a later date)
Modern Greek III: (to be added at a later date)
Modern Greek IV: (to be added at a later date)

Learners with no previous knowledge choose course I / A1 / A1.1. Cross-entry to higher levels is possible: please use the global scale as a guide for self-assessment. If you have any questions, please contact the ZfS team(, who will forward your enquiry to the appropriate teacher if necessary.

Modern Greek II: the course is aimed at beginners with little previous knowledge.

Modern Greek III: the course is aimed at learners who have level A1.

Please note that attendance is compulsory for the courses and that you are expected to spend 3-6 hours per week preparing for and following up on the course content.



You will work with the textbook Pame! (Hueber: ). Additional materials for practice and consolidation will be provided.