English, a Germanic language, is the most widely spoken language in the world. English is the official language in many countries, the language of communication in others and most international organisations also use English as their official language.
In total, around 340 million people speak English as their mother tongue. Another figure:
38% of EU citizens declare that they have sufficient knowledge of English to hold a conversation.

In­form­a­tion about the courses

For general information on enrolment and certificates of achievement, please read here.

Placement takes place with the help of a compulsory placement test, for which students can register via PAUL during the first enrolment phase. The test takes place at the Centre for Language Teaching (see Paul).

After the test, they can register for the course that corresponds to their level via PAUL:

Oxford English
Placement Test result

Course recommendation

40-59 English Speaking and Pronunciation B1  
40-49 English B1.1  
50-59 English B1.2  


English B2.1



English B2.2

80-89 Speaking in Academic Contexts B2/C1  
80-89 Writing in Academic Contexts B2/C1  


English C1.1



English C1.2  

from 110

English C2


Course no. Course name
L.ZfS.04004 Speaking and Pronunciation B1
L.ZfS.04005 English B1.1
L.ZfS.04005 English B1.2
L.ZfS.04007 English B2.1
L.ZfS.04009 English B2.2
L.ZfS.04011 English C1.1
L.ZfS.04013 English C1.2
L.ZfS.04017 English C2
L.ZfS.04010 Speaking in Academic Contexts B2/C1
L.ZfS.04020 Writing in Academic Contexts B2/C1

Students with previous knowledge of English who are attending an English course at the ZfS for the first time are placed with the help of a compulsory placement test, for which they must register via PAUL during the first enrolment phase. In the second registration phase, students can then register for a course that corresponds to their level (test result).
Students who have already successfully completed a course can register directly for the follow-up course.

Please note that attendance is compulsory for the courses and that students are expected to spend 3-6 hours per week preparing for and following up on the course content.

Kursinhalte und Lehrwerke
Zur ersten Orientierung ist in den Kursnamen  das Niveau des Gemeinsamen Europ?ischen Referenzrahmens (GER) angegeben, das in dem jeweiligen Kurs erreicht wird. Einen ersten Eindruck von den 6 Niveaustufen des GER (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) verschafft die Globalskala, einen genaueren das Raster zur Selbstbeurteilung.

Für n?here Informationen zu den Kursinhalten klicken 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ bitte auf den Kursnamen in der nachstehenden Tabelle.

Folgende Lehrwerke werden in den Kursen eingesetzt. Bitte beachten 365足彩投注_365体育投注@, dass diese Angaben sich u.U. ?ndern k?nnen

Kursnummer Kursname Lehrwerk
L.ZfS.04005       Englisch B1.1 English File fourth edition Intermediate Student's Book with Online Practice (Units 1 – 5)
L.ZfS.04005 Englisch B1.2 English File fourth edition Intermediate Student's Book with Online Practice (Units 6 - 10)
L.ZfS.04007 Englisch B2.1

Life - Second Edition B2.1: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book

L.ZfS.04009 Englisch B2.2

Life - Second Edition B2.2: Upper Intermediate - Student's Book

L.ZfS.04011 Englisch C1.1 Oxford EAP: A Course in English for Academic Purposes. Advanced/C1 (Units 1-6)
L.ZfS.04013 Englisch C1.2

Oxford EAP: A Course in English for Academic Purposes. Advanced/C1 (Units 7-12)

L.ZfS.04017 Englisch C2 wird im Kurs bekanntgegeben
L.ZfS.04010 Speaking in Academic Contexts B2/C1 wird im Kurs bekanntgegeben
L.ZfS.04020 Writing in Academic Contexts B2/C1 wird im Kurs bekanntgegeben