Tan­dem Tu­tori­als (Videos)

These tutorials will help you on your way to a successful tandem. Here you will find lots of help and practical tips! Each video tutorial comes with a script (text) to read along. This means you can take your own notes.

(Note: As the tutorials were developed within the framework of the "preTandem project", some parts refer to "eTandem" - i.e. an online tandem. However, most of the contents are just as important for a face-to-face tandem/a tandem in person).

  • Advantages of tandem learning
  • Principles: Reciprocity & Autonomy
  • Basic Rules
Video EN Skript EN
(5:56 min)
English version
(pdf, 66 KB)


  • Self-assessment of language skills
  • Motivation
  • Learning objectives
Video EN Skript EN
(5:25 min)
English version
(pdf, 77 KB)


  • Prepare,
  • conduct and evaluate an (oral) meeting
  • Incl. activities & strategies
Video EN Skript EN
(7:40 min)

(pdf, 685 KB)


  • What, when and how to correct each other (e.g. using "recasts")
  • Identifiying common mistakes
  • Giving and receiving corrective feedback
Video EN Skript EN
(6:58 min)
English version
(pdf, 243 KB)


  • Situations in which it might be helpful not to use one of the 2 target languages (e.g. when providing corrections)
Video EN Skript EN
(3:01 min)
English version
(pdf, 70 KB)