Span­ish A1

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 60 classroom teaching hours (4 SWS)


Participation without prior knowledge

Learning objectives

The course is orientated towards level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. All skills are practised; the textbook used is "Aula internacional 1 Neu".


Listening skills are practised so that students can, among other things

- recognise the numbers in simple and short reports relating to prices, opening times, weather reports, etc.

- understand the time in announcements at the airport or railway station

- recognise where something is located in a city description


Students will be able to

- understand familiar names, terms and very simple sentence structures, e.g. on signs, on posters or in catalogues

- understand simple texts with basic vocabulary about hobbies, the city, clothes, family, everyday life or food

Oral interaction

The students learn

- communicate in a simple way if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help

- greet someone at different times of the day and say goodbye to someone

- introduce themselves and others and ask other people questions about themselves - e.g. where they live

- use basic vocabulary and simple expressions on familiar topics at a slow conversational pace

- ask for something in a shop and ask the price

- ask and state the time and time of day

- ask someone for directions and describe a route

Oral production

Oral production is practised and students learn to

- ask for personal details - e.g. name, age, nationality, telephone number, email address, occupation and hobbies

- talk about reasons - e.g. why they are learning Spanish

- talk about what there is to do in a place

- talk about preferences and tastes

- order something in pubs and restaurants

- give information about the food


Students will be able to

- give their personal details

- write a short, simple postcard or e-mail

- fill in forms with personal details

- express their interests

- describe places

- use simple language to describe a person's appearance and character

- describe their daily routine

- express frequency

- report on immediate past events

Grammatical focus

- regular verbs with -ar, -er and -ir in the present tense and pretérito perfecto

- irregular verbs in the present tense (e.g. with vowel change, -g in the first person singular...) and Pretérito Perfecto

- verbs such as interesar, gustar and encantar with the correct sentence structure

- the difference between ser, estar and hay

- the superlative

- the difference between qué and cuál/-es

- using prepositions of place, prepositions of time and verbs with prepositions

- Quantities: algún, ningún, mucho, poco, bastante...

- reflexive verbs

The skills and linguistic resources acquired and practised at this level enable students to understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences aimed at satisfying specific needs.

Proof of performance through

- regular attendance (proof of attendance is provided by attendance lists)

- Written exam lasting approx. 90 min

- Oral examination lasting approx. 10 min

ECTS points

Regular attendance and passing the written examination: 6 ECTS