French A1 com­pact

Scope/semester hours per week A total of 60 classroom teaching hours (4 SWS)
Prerequisites No prior knowledge
Learning objectives The course is based on level A1/A2.1 of the CEFR. All skills are trained.
Students are also encouraged to reflect on their learning behaviour and to organise their learning process more effectively.


Students understand (provided they speak slowly and clearly)

- greetings and other routine formulae

- numbers

- simple personal names and descriptions

- names of countries and nationalities

- simple questions (especially about themselves or other people)

- days of the week and months

- time and date

- prices

- simple directions

- simple requests


Students will be able to

- understand simple descriptions of people and simple forms

- recognise familiar words in simple and short texts

- understand simple directions

- get an idea of the content of simple information material (e.g. brochures, posters).

Oral production and interaction

Students learn to

- use simple greetings and farewell phrases

- introduce themselves and others and say, for example, what they are studying and where they live

- ask and answer simple direct questions relating to everyday topics (e.g. family, student life)

- say what they like and don't like

- order a drink

- say that they don't understand something, that you should repeat something or speak more slowly,

- ask what something is called in French and ask for the meaning of a word

- give time and place details

- describe where they live, ask for and describe a route (e.g. to the university)

- make an appointment

- do simple shopping

- say what they normally do at home, at university, in their free time

- to talk in very simple terms about past activities

- say what they are planning to do


The students learn

- fill in simple forms (with details about themselves)

- write simple sentences about themselves or other people

- write a simple postcard

- write a simple note (e.g. to tell someone where you are meeting)

- write a very simple short text (e.g. about what they like/don't like or about their daily routine, their hobbies)

Grammatical focus


Alphabet and pronunciation; intonation

- articles, subject pronouns, possessive pronouns

- negation with ne pas

- présent of verbs on -er, -ir, re
as well as être, avoir, faire, aller, vouloirand reflexive verbs

- adjectives

- question forms and interrogatives

- place prepositions and prepositions when referring to countries

- article partitif

- future composé

- impératif

- passé composé (introduction)

After the course, you will be able to communicate in a very simple way if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help. Strategies are taught that enable communication despite a low level of language skills.
Proof of performance through

- Regular attendance (proof of attendance is provided by attendance lists)

- Written exam of at least 60 minutes

- usually an oral examination lasting approx. 10 min

ECTS points Regular attendance, passing the written exam and the oral exam: 6 ECTS