Span­ish B2.4

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 30 classroom teaching hours (2 SWS)


Participation in Spanish B2.3 or proof of comparable prior knowledge (B2.3 level)

Learning objectives

The course is based on level B2.4 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and all skills are practised. The course uses the textbook "Aula internacional 5 Nueva Edición" and various materials.


Learners will be able to

- understand key messages in lectures, speeches and other academic/professional presentations with complex content and language (e.g. a MOOC, videos about the programmes offered by a Spanish-speaking university...).


Participants will learn

- understand the content/importance of articles/reports.

- Understand the main points of academic and professional cover letters.

- extract the main points of a job advert (internship, university job...).

- understand relevant information about the study programme, research projects, etc. on the website of a Spanish-speaking university.

- understand specialised articles (using a dictionary)

- extract information from highly specialised sources.

Oral interaction and production

Participants will practise

- exchange detailed facts about their field of study or profession.

- respond to spontaneous questions during a presentation.

- respond to targeted/specific questions during an interview (e.g. for an internship, a scholarship...).

- give clear, systematic presentations on a topic in their own department, emphasising key points and supporting details.

- evaluate past events.

- talk about events that did not occur and their consequences.

- make accusations.


Participants practise

- write academic and career-related texts (e.g. an email to a professor, applications or letters of motivation to acquire a study or internship position, etc.)

- revise motivation and application letters

- complete university-specific forms and applications (e.g. registration, deregistration, admission...)

- discuss something from their own department in an essay/report, give reasons, weigh up advantages and disadvantages.

Key points

- Concessive and causal clauses

- the pretérito pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

- the condicional compuesto

- Lexical and grammatical means for coherence (connection) and cohesion (cohesion)

The competences and linguistic tools acquired and practised at this level enable students to receive and produce demanding (clear and detailed) texts. In addition, spontaneous and fluent conversation with native speakers is possible.

Proof of performance through

- regular attendance (attendance records are kept)

- Written exam lasting approx. 135 min

- Oral examination lasting approx. 15 min

- if necessaryadditional achievements

ECTS points

- Regular attendance, passing the written exam and the oral exam: 3 ECTS

- In some degree programmesadditional achievementsthe acquisition of an additional ECTS point is possible