Eng­lish for Gen­er­al Aca­dem­ic Pur­poses B1.1

Scope / semester hours per week

A total of 60 classroom teaching hours (4 SWS)


Oxford online placement test (score 40 - 49)

General information

This level is based on the beginning of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and teaches the skills of listening comprehension, reading comprehension, oral interaction, oral production and writing. The focus is on general and study-related vocabulary and basic language structures. The focus is on oral and written communication in a university-specific context.

Learning objectives

Students can understand the following situations (if standard language is used and spoken clearly) and recognise the main messages and individual pieces of information:

- everyday conversations and conversations in a university context

- short presentations and lectures

- contributions to discussions

- Oral instructions, oral interaction

Students will be able toread simple texts on topics related to their own interests and departments, e.g. on:

- student life

- university

from newspapers, magazines or online sources with satisfactory comprehension.

Oral interaction and production
Oral interaction in a variety of private, academic and professional situations is practised to enable students to

- cope with everyday situations abroad: e.g. ask and answer questions about their studies during an exchange semester at a foreign university

- be able to explain and justify their own views on simple questions and respond appropriately to the opinions of others

- be able to talk about their own abilities

The course focuses on the field of writing skills, including

- Structuring and writing a paragraph

- Planning and writing a short essay

- Introduction to academic writing

Proof of performance through

- regular attendance (proof of attendance is provided by attendance lists)
- written examination lasting approx. 115 minutes consisting of

- Reading comprehension

- listening comprehension

- Vocabulary and grammar

- writing task(s)

- oral examination


ECTS points

Regular attendance and passing the written and oral examinations: 6 ECTS credits