Reading comprehension (45 minutes)

Answering questions on informative texts (multiple choice). Selecting information from a text using a series of questions.

Listening comprehension (approx. 20 minutes)

Candidates listen to four exercises consisting of simple dialogues or information on a tape recording. They are asked to answer multiple-choice questions on these texts.

Written expression (25 minutes)

Writing short and simply structured texts with practical content, e.g. filling in forms, writing postcards, etc.

Oral expression (15 minutes)

The examination consists of four tasks:

  1. Personal introduction (1-2 minutes)
  2. Presentation of a topic (2-3 minutes)
  3. Conversation with the examiner (3-4 minutes)
  4. Dialogue with the help of illustrations (2-3 minutes)

Candidates have 15 minutes to prepare for tasks 1 and 2 before the examination.

--> Original and sample examinations.