French B2.4

Duration/semester hours per weekTotal of30 classroom teaching hours (2 SWS)PrerequisitesParticipationin French B2.3 or proof of comparable prior knowledge in the placementtestLearning objectivesThe course is based on level B2 of the CEFR. All skills are practised, with a focus on technical discussions and texts as well as understanding and giving presentations.

  • Listening

Students will be able to

  • understand the main messages in lectures, speeches and other academic/professional presentations with complex content and language
  • Reading

Students will learn to,

  • understand long/complex instructions from their own department
  • understand specialised articles (using a dictionary)
  • extract information from highly specialised sources
  • Interaction

Students practise

  • exchange detailed facts about their field of study or professional field
  • respond to spontaneous questions during a presentation
  • Oral production

Students learn to

  • give clear/systematic presentations on a topic from their own department, emphasising key points and supporting details
  • Writing

Students practise,

  • discuss something from their own department in an essay/report, give reasons, weigh up advantages and disadvantages

Proof of performance through

  • Regular attendance (proof is provided by attendance lists)
  • Written examination of approx. 90 min
  • usually an oral examination lasting approx. 10 min
  • Additional work if necessary

ECTS points

  • Regular attendance, passing the written exam and the oral exam: 3ECTS
  • In some degree programmes, it is possible to acquire an additional ECTS point through additional work