Our history

The Centre for Language Teaching replaced the previous "Language Teaching Unit" (BESL) on 1 March 2007.
The Centre for Language Teaching thus celebrated its first "round" birthday in 2012: we turned 5!
The ZfS team organised an anniversary week to mark the occasion, which took place from 11-15 June 2012. Each day of the anniversary week had a different theme. Reports and photos can be found here.
The ZfS celebrated its 10th birthday on 3 July 2017 with an official ceremony, an exhibition of student products combined with a quiz rally and an anniversary party in the GrillCafé. If you missed this, you can view all the posters, video and audio files as well as the anniversary 'fest' brochure on our 10th anniversary pages.
01.03.2024: The "German courses" and "ZfS" fields merge. This means that courses in a total of 22 languages will be united under one roof.
Our history
01/03/2007 - Foundation
The Centre for Language Teaching has replaced the previous "Language Teaching Unit" (BESL) since 01.03.2007.
11-15 June 2012 - 5 years of ZfS!
The Centre for Language Teaching celebrated its first "round" birthday in 2012: we turned 5!
The ZfS team organised an anniversary week to mark the occasion, which took place from 11-15 June 2012. Each day of the anniversary week had a different theme. Reports and photos can be found here.
03.07.2017 - 10 years of ZfS!
The ZfS celebrated its 10th anniversary on 3 July 2017 with an official ceremony, an exhibition of student products combined with a quiz rally and an anniversary party in the GrillCafé. If you missed this, you can view all the posters, video and audio files as well as the anniversary 'fest' brochure on our 10th anniversary pages.
01.03.2024 - Merger with the "German courses" field
01.03.2024: The "German courses" and "ZfS" fields merge. This will bring together courses in a total of 22 languages under one roof.