An­cient Greek

Bib­lic­al Hebrew


Next exams at the ZfS

(all dates subject to change)

Language examination oral written Application form Registration deadline
Latin Knowledge at the level of the Kleines Latinum Tue 16.07 - Fri 19.07. 13.08.2024   07.07.24, 23:59
Knowledge at the level of the Kleines Latinum Tue 28.01. - Fri 31.01. 25.02.2025 not yet possible n.n.a.
Knowledge at the level of the Kleines Latinum Tue 15.07. - Fri 18.07. 12.08.2025 not yet possible n.n.a.
Basic knowledge of Latin by arrangement during the course
Biblical Hebrew Knowledge at the level of Hebraicum by arrangement in the course not yet possible n.n.b.
Basic knowledge of Biblical Hebrew by arrangement during the course
Ancient Greek Knowledge at the level of the Graecum from mid-August 2024 25.07.2024 no longer possible 21.07.2024 23:59
Basic knowledge of Biblical Greek by arrangement in the course

Dates for the corresponding extension examinations for the Abitur of the Detmold district government can be found >>> here.

Dr. Ariane Cordes

More about the person

Roland Richter, M. A.

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