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Hello and welcome to the Korean courses at the Language Centre at Paderborn University!

In­form­a­tion about the courses

The courses teach the basics of the language, starting with the alphabet. At the same time, interesting aspects of Korean culture are familiarised with the language, such as interpersonal speech in polite forms.

For general information on enrolment and certificates, please read here.

Five consecutive levels are currently offered; Korean I, III, V in the winter semester and II, IV in the summer semester (2 SWS each). If you are interested, you can prepare for the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK).

Learners with no previous knowledge choose course I / A1 / A1.1. Cross-entry to higher levels is possible: please use the global scale as a guide for self-assessment. If you have any questions, please contact the ZfS team(zfs@upb.de), who will forward your enquiry to the appropriate teacher if necessary.

Please note that attendance is compulsory for the courses and that you are expected to spend 3-6 hours per week preparing for and following up on the course content.

The first four courses use the textbooks Sejong Korean [ed.] King Sejong Institute Foundation 2022. The textbooks Sejong Korean 1A and 1B correspond to level I of the Standard Curriculum for Korean Language.


Korean I & II

  • Sejong Korean Student Book 1A (????? 1A): King Sejong Institute Foundation [ed.] 2022. (ISBN: 978-8997134229)
  • Sejong Korean Work Book 1A (????? ??? 1A): King Sejong Institute Foundation [Ed.] 2022. (ISBN: 978-8997134304)

Korean III & IV

  • Sejong Korean Student Book 1B (????? 1B): King Sejong Institute Foundation [ed.] 2022. (ISBN: 978-8997134236)
  • Sejong Korean Work Book 1B (????? ??? 1B): King Sejong Institute Foundation [Ed.] 2022. (ISBN: 978-8997134311)


Before purchasing these books, you can view the full contents in the media centre at ZfS or online at https://nuri.iksi.or.kr/front/main/main.do.