Span­ish B2.1

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 30 classroom teaching hours (2 SWS)


Participation in Spanish B1 or proof of comparable previous knowledge (B1 level)

Learning objectives

The course is based on level B2.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. All skills are practised, the textbooks used are "Aula internacional 3 Nueva Edición" (lessons 10-12) and "Aula internacional 4 Nueva Edición" (lessons 1-6).


If standard language is spoken, students can understand the following communicative situations:

- News programmes, interviews and reports

- Arguments and counter-arguments in discussions


Students will be able to read texts and understand the main points, e.g.

- Articles and reports on websites about contemporary problems

- Interviews, forums and blog entries in which a certain point of view is represented

- Articles about current news

Oral interaction

Oral interaction in different situations is practised so that students can, for example

- actively participate in a discussion and justify and defend views

- be able to take a position on what another person says

- take on the role of speaker when appropriate

- contribute to the progress of the conversation by confirming understanding, prompting others to speak, etc.

- talk about advantages and disadvantages.

Oral production

Students will be able to pass on descriptions and information, e.g.

- describe the characteristics and use of objects

- refer to a message and comment on it

- express their own opinions, wishes, feelings, hopes and conditions and report on their own experiences

- making hypotheses and assumptions


Students should be able to write coherent and clearly understandable texts by, for example

- evaluating situations and facts

- writing an email or a forum entry to assess actions and behaviour or give advice

- writing a short news report

- adhere to the usual conventions of layout and paragraph structure

- use various linking words sensibly in order to emphasise relationships in content

Grammatical focus

- The use of indicativo and subjunctive in relative clauses

- Relative clauses with prepositions

- The difference between Presente de Subjuntivo and Infinitivo in constructions such as: me parece muybien/mal

- the condicional

- Futuro simple

- different degrees of certainty(seguro que..., lo más seguro es que..., a lo mejor...)

- Passive voice

- Constructions with se

- Repetition of the past tense

The skills and linguistic means acquired and practised at this level enable students to receive and produce relatively complex texts (e.g. from the fields of literature and tourism) whose topics are reasonably familiar to students due to their general interests or specialised knowledge. The mass media play an important role in teaching communicative functions and grammatical structures (e.g. internet blogs, newspaper and magazine articles).

Proof of performance through

- regular attendance (proof of attendance is provided by attendance lists)

- Written examination of approx. 135 min

- Oral examination lasting approx. 15 min

- if applicableadditional achievements

ECTS points

- Regular attendance, passing the written and oral examinations: 3 ECTS credits

- In some degree programmesadditional achievementsthe acquisition of an additional ECTS point is possible