Span­ish B1

Scope/semester hours per week

A total of 60 classroom teaching hours (4 SWS)


Participation in Spanish A2 or proof of comparable previous knowledge (A2 level)

Learning objectives

The course is based on level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. All skills are practised and the textbook used is "Aula internacional 3 Nueva Edición" (lessons 1-9).


If standard language is used and if spoken relatively slowly and clearly, students can understand the following content, among others:

- Radio news and television programmes

- Interviews and commercials

- telephone calls

- short interviews in which needs, wishes and demands are expressed

- the telling of anecdotes


Students will be able to read texts and dialogues, grasp the key points and search for specific information in texts, e.g.

- the most important aspects of a job advert

- important information in everyday texts such as television programmes or information brochures

- straightforward newspaper articles and reports on current news

- argumentative texts on familiar topics

- Letters to the editor, forums and blogs.

Oral interaction

Through oral interaction in various situations, students will be able to, for example

- simulate a job interview

- conduct telephone conversations

- report on anecdotal events from everyday life

- reproduce telephone messages

- defend their own point of view in a discussion and express disagreement and counter-arguments

- interview fellow students with the help of a questionnaire.

Oral production

Students will be able to, for example

- report on current habits and events

- express the beginning and duration of an action

- leave messages by telephone

- pass on messages

- tell stories in the present tense

- summarise a storyline

- share cinema preferences with others

- talk about past experiences

- talk about causes and consequences

- express interests, feelings and dislikes


The students learn

- write simple coherent texts with biographical information

- write a short report on professional experience

- report on anecdotes and experiences in the past

- take information over the phone and give it to someone

- describe the plot of a film

- express opinions and complaints, e.g. in letters to the editor

- linking past events in a story

Grammatical focus

- Imperativo

- Futuro

- the structures si + present tense...future tense / depende(de) + noun / depende de si + present tense

- periphrases: empezar a + infinitive, acabar de + infinitive, volver a + infinitive, dejar de + infinitive, llevar + gerund, seguir + gerund

- impersonal sentences: esnormal/habitual/raro + infinitive, soler + infinitive

- prohibitions: prohibir, estar prohibido/a...

- obligation: es obligatorio + infinitive, es/sonobligatorio/a/os/as +noun

- Linguistic means of telephoning

- indirect speech: me ha dicho que... / me ha preguntado si...

- Form and use of direct and indirect object pronouns

- Connectors for narratives

- Perfecto/Indefinido/Imperfecto/Pluscuamperfecto

- The difference between Presente de Subjuntivo and Infinitivo in connection with verbs that express necessity, desires and demands(querer/pedir/exigir/necesitar...)

- Subjuntivo and infinitivo in connection with feelings, interests and dislikes

The skills and linguistic tools acquired and practised at this level enable students to receive and produce texts relating to personal (everyday life and study) or cultural interests. Students also learn to talk about experiences and events; to describe dreams, hopes and goals; and to give brief reasons or explanations for plans and opinions.

Proof of performance through

- regular attendance (proof is provided by attendance lists)

- written examination of approx. 105 min

- oral examination of approx. 10 min

ECTS points

Regular attendance and passing the written exam: 6 ECTS


Passing the written exam and an oral exam of approx. 15 minutes for UNIcert? candidates