The Central Equal Opportunities Officer is once again offering the workshop series "Career as a female scientist" for young female scientists in 2024.

Below you will find information on the workshops and how to register.

Informal registration, stating your name and faculty, is now possible by email.

Over­view of the work­shops

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Out of the head, into the body.

  • Date: 01.03. and 12.04.2024
  • each 10:00 - 15:00, online
  • Language: German
  • Number of participants: max. 10 people
  • Speaker: Dr Pamela Geldmacher

The workshop is currently fully booked, it is possible to be put on a waiting list.

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Make an Impact!

  • Date: 17 and 24 May 2024
  • 9:00 - 13:00 each day, online
  • Language: English
  • Number of participants: max. 12 people
  • Speaker: Julie Stearns, ImpulsPlus trainer

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion on the in­di­vidu­al work­shops

Target group: Female scientists of all qualification levels
Dates: 01.03. and 12.04.2024, 10:00 - 15:00 each day
Format: online (Zoom)
Max. number of participants: 10
Speaker: Dr Pamela Geldmacher
Seminar language: German
Registration: Registrations can be made by e-mail to the Equal Opportunities Office. The workshop is currently fully booked, it is possible to be put on a waiting list.

Dr Pamela Geldmacher's workshop invites all participants to set out together on the path to greater resilience and resource strengthening,
instead of chasing after the here and now. One focus of the workshop time together will be on a sustainable culture of breaks within academic work phases. In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected due to digitalisation, 'taking a break' must be relearned in order to be effective in the long term. The fact is: without high-quality break phases, it is not possible to maintain balanced resources in the long term. But how do we manage to take breaks in our demanding everyday university life that strengthen us in the long term?
Answers to these and subsequent questions will be provided in this online workshop, which will be followed by a follow-up session in which the status quo will be reflected upon and explored in greater depth. It is a practice-orientated format that implements tools from the fields of personal development, time and stress management and mental coaching, as well as breathing, body and mindfulness exercises. The aim is to outline the current level of resources and to make self-determined adjustments in order to move forward in a more resilient, motivated and powerful way.

About the speaker:

Dr Pamela Geldmacher holds a doctorate in media and cultural studies, is a trained audio-visual media specialist, breathing and movement teacher, lecturer, mental coach and facilitator. After more than 13 years at university, she now accompanies people inside and outside institutions and companies in the fields of break culture, stress management, mental coaching and breath, body and resource work. Her work is based on the guiding principle: "Get out of your head and into your body" - in order to become more effective in our knowledge society.

Target group: Female scientists of all qualification levels
Dates: 17 and 24 May 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Format: online
Max. number of participants: 12
Speaker: Julie Stearns
Seminar language: English
Registration: Registration is possible by e-mail to the Equal Opportunities Office.

How can I make myself heard in professional contexts, for example in small talk situations at conferences? What can help me in situations where I am confronted with an international audience and how can I make contact with an interdisciplinary audience?

The workshop offers the opportunity to improve general communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) to increase networking and self-marketing opportunities. The workshop focuses specifically on self-presentation in terms of voice quality, body language and verbal expression in academic and professional contexts. Participants will learn how to improve their self-marketing skills, increase their research and networking prospects, and maximise their intercultural and interdisciplinary communication opportunities.

About the speaker:

  • Trainer for presentation and effective communication
  • Certified coach (DGfC)
  • trained actress with more than 20 years of stage experience as a performer, dramaturge, director and author
  • many years as a university lecturer
  • six years of coaching experience in workshops with international doctoral students from all disciplines