The PUKi is closed from 23.12.2024 to 03.01.2025. From January 6th, we will be back as usual for your children.
We wish you a relaxing holiday season - see you next year.
The PUKi team
Uni-Kids on the move:
From October 18th, Paderborn University Sports will be offering gymnastics courses for children: parent-child gymnastics for children aged 2-3 and children's gymnastics for 4-5-year-olds. In parent-child gymnastics, the little ones can be active together with an accompanying person at various exercise stations. Children's gymnastics is aimed at slightly older children who learn basic gymnastics elements in a playful way…
The PUKi will be closed during the semester break. We wish everyone a relaxing summer. With the start of the lecture period on October 7, 2024, PUKi will offer regular short-term childcare again. If you have urgent childcare needs until then, please contact Noelle Maicher-Hoff.
The "MS Kunigunde" kindergarten still has childcare capacity directly on the Paderborn University campus. Places are still available for children aged 3, 4 and 2 years for 45 hours from August 2024. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact the daycare center directly at 05251 89207710.
Am 18.06.2024 von 13.00 – 14.30 Uhr liest Vater und Elternblogger Fabian Soethof aus seinem Buch ?V?ter k?nnen das auch“ und diskutiert wie und ob eine ?gute“ Vaterschaft gelingen kann.
Jeder kennt Erste-Hilfe-Kurse und viele haben an diesen teilgenommen, um Leben zu retten. Wie sieht es jedoch am Lebensende aus, wie sind wir darauf vorbereitet, zu helfen, wenn Leben zu Ende geht und es so viel zu tun gibt. Was k?nnen wir dann machen, vorbereiten, organisieren und was hei?t das eigentlich? Wie begleiten wir einen Menschen am Lebensende und wo k?nnen wir Hilfe holen? Unter anderem hierzu bietet der Letzte-Hilfe-Kurs Antworten.