Spe­cial Child Care Sup­port Dur­ing 2025 Sum­mer Hol­i­days (Kinder­garten)

Dear university parents,  

During the summer holidays of the Kita MS-Kunigunde and the Kita Uni-Zwerge of the Studierendenwerk Paderborn, there will be a childcare offer in the PUKi again this year. From 21.07.2025 up to and including 11.08.2025, the PUKi will be open daily from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm. The offer applies to children from the age of one. School children can only be considered if places are still available. This is an emergency childcare offer for parents who have to take exams and study for exams or for parents who cannot get leave.

If you are interested in a childcare offer, please contact Ms Beatrix Langguth by 16.05.2025. Ms Langguth works as an educator at PUKi and can be contacted at the following email address: puki@upb.de. She will then send you the registration form. Requests received after this date will not be considered. Experience has shown that we cannot offer childcare for all 3 weeks. If you register your child for more than one week, please be sure to indicate the week in which childcare is most important to you. We will contact you as soon as possible with a concrete offer after checking your child's needs.

The offer is not only available to parents whose children are cared for at MS-Kunigunde and Uni-Zwergen. Parents whose children attend other facilities that are closed during this time can also take advantage of the offer. The childcare service can also be used if the childminder is on holiday during this period.

Kind regards from the




Contact: Noelle Maicher-Hoff


Summer vacation offer for school children: More information