Akustische Sensornetzwerke - Teilprojekt "Verteilte akustische Signalverarbeitung über funkbasierte Sensornetzwerke


Key Facts

12/2016 - 11/2019
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Haitham Afifi, M.Sc.


Zur Person


Reinforcement Learning for Admission Control in Wireless Virtual Network Embedding
H. Afifi, F.J. Sauer, H. Karl, in: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) (ANTS’21), Hyderabad, India, 2021.
Reinforcement Learning-based Microphone Selection in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks considering Network and Acoustic Utilities
H. Afifi, M. Guenther, A. Brendel, H. Karl, W. Kellermann, in: 14. ITG Conference on Speech Communication (ITG 2021), 2021.
Network-Aware Optimal Microphone Channel Selection in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks
M. Gunther, H. Afifi, A. Brendel, H. Karl, W. Kellermann, in: ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2021.
Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Movements in Wireless Sensor Networks
H. Afifi, A. Ramaswamy, H. Karl, in: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium (IEEE ICC’21 - IoTSN Symposium), Montreal, Canada, 2021.
A Reinforcement Learning QoI/QoS-Aware Approach in Acoustic Sensor Networks
H. Afifi, A. Ramaswamy, H. Karl, in: 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications \& Networking Conference (CCNC) (CCNC 2021), 2021.
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