TRR 285 - Subproject B05


Key Facts




Influence of process variations on clinch joint characteristics considering the effect of the nominal tool design
C. Zirngibl, S. Goetz, S. Wartzack, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (2024).
Knowledge and Data-Based Design and Dimensioning of Mechanical Joining Connections
C. Zirngibl, C. Sauer, B. Schleich, S. Wartzack, in: Volume 2: 42nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
Robustness Analysis of Pin Joining
D. R?misch, C. Zirngibl, B. Schleich, S. Wartzack, M. Merklein, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 6 (2022).
Robust estimation of clinch joint characteristics based on data-driven methods
C. Zirngibl, B. Schleich, S. Wartzack, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022).
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