An­tritts­vor­le­sung Prof. Dr. Ey­ke Hül­ler­mei­er – ?How to ma­ke Com­pu­ters Be­ha­ve In­tel­li­gent­ly: About Al­go­rithms, Know­led­ge and Da­ta“

Am 29. April findet um 17.00 Uhr im H?rsaal Q 0.101 die Antrittsvorlesung von Professor Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier statt mit dem Titel ?How to make Computers Behave Intelligently: About Algorithms, Knowledge and Data“. Prof.Hüllermeier ist seit dem 1. April Mitglied des Instituts für Informatik und Leiter der Fachgruppe ?Maschinelles Lernen“.

Zum Inhalt des englischsprachigen Vortrags:

The first part of this talk elaborates on the evolution of intelligent systems design during the past decades and the development of machine learning into one of the core methodologies of modern artificial intelligence. This also includes a discussion of the influence of machine learning on computer science in general, its use in various domains of application, as well as its meaning for the "information society" in the era of "big data". For the sake of illustration, and to convey an idea of machine learning as a scientific discipline, the second part of the talk will be devoted to the formalization and analysis of a concrete learning problem. More specifically, an adaptive sampling algorithm for the recent problem of preference-based online learning in the setting of multi-armed bandits will be presented, along with an analysis of its sample complexity.

Zuvor findet um 16.15 Uhr die Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Jens F?rstner aus dem Institut für Elektrotechnik statt.

Abbildung: Professor Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier
Abbildung: Professor Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier