Eras­mus+ Pro­jek­te an der Uni­ver­si­t?t Pa­der­born

Die Programme der Europ?ischen Union bieten attraktive F?rderm?glichkeiten zur Zusammenarbeit in Bildung und Forschung.

Unsere Wissenschaftler*innen partizipieren seit langem mit gro?em Erfolg im Programm Erasmus+ und seinen Vorl?uferprogrammen, insbesondere in der Kooperation mit Partnern aus Osteuropa und dem Westbalkan.

Daher geh?rt die Universit?t Paderborn in diesem Programm zu den erfolgreichsten und erfahrensten Universit?ten in Deutschland. 

Lau­fen­de Pro­jek­te


Digital Storytelling in Supporting Immigrant University Students' Language and Technology Use Skills

Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education, 2023-2026, Partner
Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


STEM for Inclusive Schools

Cooperation Partnerships in School Education, 2023-2026, Koordinator

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


Inclusion and Diversity Education through Applied Design Thinking for Equity

Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education, 2023-2026, Partner

Anke Riebau


Body Image and Physical Activity - a psychological, educational and public health perspective for higher education

Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education, 2022-2024, Partner

Prof. Dr. Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker


A new approach to digital education and Inclusion

Cooperation Partnerships ins School Education, 2022-2024; Partner

Prof. Dr. Frank Hellmich


Stimulating Adventures for Young Learners

Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education, 2022-2025, Partner

Prof. Dr. Katharina Rohlfing


Change Your Perspective: It's Just Dyscalculia

Cooperation Partnerships ins School Education, 2022-2024; Partner

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


Innovative Model of learning STEM in secondary schools

Cooperation Partnerships ins School Education, 2022-2024; Partner

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


Promoting the Transition to Active Life through Gamification and Game-Based Learning

Cooperation Partnerships for Adult Education, 2022-2024, Partner

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


Think Green for the World

Cooperation Partnerships in Youth, 2022-2024, Partner

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects

Cooperation partnerships in adult education, 2022-2024, Koordinator

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


"Ugly" fruits and veggies...NOT! -
An innovative educational program towards
sustainable consumption and food waste reduction

Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training, 2022-2024, Partner

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Reliable Green

Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesses and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy

Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training, 2022 - 2024, Partner

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


Ireland, Europe and Brexit: Cultural Discourses on European Community

Jean Monnet Modul, 2021-2024

Dr. Sara Strau?


Ab­ge­schlos­se­ne Pro­jek­te


Majority and Minority Languages in School Education: Helping teachers, pupils and parents

Strategic Partnership in the field of School Education, 2020-2023 (UPB 2022-2023), Partner

Prof. Dr. Sandra Ballweg


Integrating Digital Competence for Consumers in secondary education
through Digital Games Based Learning co creation approach

Cooperation partnerships in school education, 2021-2023, Partner

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


Learning from urban cities sustainable solutions to deal with the global challenges faced due to COVID pandemic

Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training, 2021-2023, Partner

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


Streaming approaches for Europe -
Enhancing the digital competences by streaming approaches for schools to tackle the challenges of COVID-19

Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness, 2021-2023, Koordinator

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


Cooperative Remote Labs Virtual Campus for Higher Education in Industrial Engineering

Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness, 2021-2023, Partner

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eugeny Kenig


Using agile, interactive learning environments to promote work-based learning in cVET
Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and trainin, 2021-2023, Koordinator

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

STEM in Action

Open Educational Resources for Teachers
Strategic Partnerships for higher education, 2020-2023, Partner

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner


Interdisciplinary mathematical modelling meets civic education

Strategic Partnerships for higher education, 2020-2023, Partner

Jun-Prof. Dr. Michael Liebend?rfer

Green- 4-Future

Greening the Entrecomp Framework to Reconcile Economic Development and Environmental Security

Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training, 2020 - 2023, Koordinator

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

business-card image

Dr. Katharina K?nig

Europ?ische und nationale Forschungsf?rderung und -planung, Rechtsfragen der Forschung (SG 2.2)

Beratung zur EU-Forschungsf?rderung

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-2562