Di­git­al Mo­bil­ity

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs)

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) offer teachers and learners new and creative opportunities for international educational cooperation and participation in jointly designed courses. BIPs are designed to facilitate a short study or training period abroad, which is carried out within the framework of a jointly offered course.

Further information on BIPs can be found on the DAAD website.

Are you planning to hold a BIP at Paderborn University? Shortly you will here find information on how to do so and what you need to know as an organiser.
Are you participating in a BIP organised by another European university? Shortly you will here find information for the participating students. Shortly you will here find information for participating teachers.


International Virtual Academic Collaboration (IVAC)

In order to systematically deepen international university cooperation and to shape it with new mobility patterns (blended mobility), virtual exchange represents an interactive bridge to the world that is designed for cooperation.

In 2023, 2 projects at UPB will be funded by the DAAD:

Project name Partner countries Partner universities Subject area / Faculty / Institute Subject
ELiK - "Erkl?r- und
Lehrvideos im
internationalen Kontext"
Université de la Manouba,
Istanbul Universit?t Cerrahpasa
Linguistics and Cultural Studies German Studies
Forschendes Lernen und
kommunikation im digitalen
South Africa University of Cape Town Art, Music and Sports Science Musicology, Music History