Our research profile

Our researchers devote themselves to the major challenges of our time by pursuing a number of various research priorities. Here, special focus lies on our five key research areas. We live interdisciplinarity and promote cooperation across borders ¨C nationally and internationally. Through application-oriented fundamental research, we jointly develop solutions for the world of tomorrow.


Research performance indicators

Whether our research is conducted individually on site at Paderborn University or in cooperation with other universities, research institutions, or companies ¨C the success of our academics with national and international funding bodies is built on excellent research. Paderborn researchers from all disciplines regularly impress the German Research Foundation (DFG), various ministries, and foundations with their innovative projects and specialist expertise. Paderborn University is also home to outstanding personalities who have been honoured with prestigious research awards at European and national level.


65.5 MM €
in third-party funding
Date: December 2023
Collaborative Research Centres
Date: July 2023
1000 +
Doctoral candidates
Date: July 2023

5 Collaborative Research Centres

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8 Graduate Programmes & Schools

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2 DFG Research Units

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2 Priority Programmes (coordinated at UPB)

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6 ERC Grants

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4 Leibniz Prize Winners

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5 Heinz Maier Leibnitz Prize Winners

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Key research areas

Paderborn University¡¯s five key research areas unite researchers from across all faculties under one thematic umbrella. These research areas are characterised by an outstanding research infrastructure, excellent minds, and a particularly intense interdisciplinary research activity.


Digital Humanities

Di­git­al Hu­man­it­ies

In­tel­li­gent Tech­nic­al Sys­tems

Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products

Sus­tain­able Ma­ter­i­als, Pro­cesses and Products

Optoelectronics and Photonics

Op­to­elec­tron­ics and Photon­ics

Transformation and Education

Trans­form­a­tion and Edu­ca­tion

Research spaces

Our five faculties are home to the research groups of over 250 professors. Their work ranges from pioneering fundamental research to highly innovative application-oriented research. We have created spaces for interdisciplinary and cross-faculty cooperation with our interdisciplinary research institutions, where academics from various disciplines conduct collaborative research on a specific topic.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

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Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

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Faculty of Science

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics

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