Aca­dem­ics & Staff

On the pages below, we introduce various information and support services for professors, academic and administrative staff at Paderborn University and guest researchers. We will be happy to provide assistance if you wish to host visitors from abroad, cooperate with a foreign partner university or plan a visit to a partner university in a foreign country.

You need financial support in establishing new partnerships or maintainig existing partnerships or in drafting cooperation agreements

You would like to conclude or extend a cooperation agreement for student exchange.

You would like to institution a joint degree programme, e.g. with a double degree.

Overview on our partner institutions and contact persons in administration and faculties

You like to teach abroad or need assistance for scholar exchange

You are administrartive or research staff at Paderborn University and would like to make an experience abroad

Would you like to find out more about the international commitment of UPB staff?

Are you interested in digital or blended formats of exchange?

You would like to accommodate a visiting scholar in our guesthouse? Or are you looking for a venue for an international colloquium or conference?

Research at Paderborn University promotes European and international networks!

Information on formalities such as visa applications and residence permits, working and living in Paderborn for international scholars, staff and scientists at the Welcome Services für internationale Wissenschaftler*innen und internationale Mitarbeitende


Campus OWL has established a joint office in New York to increases the visibility of East Westphalia-Lippe as an academic region.


Further funding opportunities for cooperation with universities abroad, support for teaching abroad and student mobility are primarily offered by the DAAD.


In addition to the Stabstelle Marketing, you can find a lot of information on International Marketing at GATE Germany. The University is a member of GATE.