Teach­ing mo­bil­ity (STA) with­in the Erasmus+ area

Erasmus+ Key Action KA131 - Erasmus+ Programme Generation 2021-2027

Giving a block seminar at Istanbul University? Hold a team teaching event with a colleague from Madrid? Invite a representative of a French NGO to teach at Paderborn University?

Erasmus+ makes all this possible and sponsors short-term stays for guest lecturers. As a guest lecturer, your stay will help to strengthen the European dimension of the host university, complement its teaching programme and exchange experiences in the field of teaching and research with colleagues from Erasmus+ programme countries (STA1). You also have the possibility to invite corporate staff from Erasmus+ programme countries to teach in Paderborn (STA2).

Link to the partner portal for staff mobility

Gen­er­al con­di­tions

  • Eligible persons and conditions of participation:
    UPB lecturers and academic staff who have a contractual employment relationship with UPB. A teaching assignment or fee contract is not sufficient.
  • A valid Erasmus+ cooperation agreement for STA with a partner university
  • Duration of the apprenticeship: 2 to 6 days (excluding travelling days) (if the funding is part of a BIP: 5 to 6 days)
  • Scope of the apprenticeship: at least 8 hours of teaching in one week (7 days) or a shorter period. For each additional day of stay beyond one week (7 days): at least 1.6 h per day

Fin­an­cial sup­port

  • The allocation principle is "first come, first served"
  • Erasmus+ funding is limited. In general, the application deadline is at least 6 weeks before the start of the mobility programme. However, for better planning of Erasmus+ funding, we ask that you apply early.
  • Full funding (per diems) for up to 6 days of stay (teaching days at the host organisation) and
    • 0-2 travel days for arrival/departure by flight, boat, car
    • 0-6 travel days for arrival/departure by sustainable means of transport (green travel): Train, bus, car-sharing and other sustainable means of transport. Example: If the host organisation is so far away that you have to travel 2 days by bus, you can apply for 4 additional travel days for the outward and return journey.
  • University staff with disabilities or chronic illnesses as well as university staff who take their child(ren) abroad with them can submit a real cost application for the actual costs incurred.

Project 2023-25: valid for trips between July 1st 2024 -  May 31st 2025

Fin­an­cial sup­port and coun­try groups

The daily supportis based on the cost of living in the respective destination country.

Valid daily rates for the Erasmus+ Call 2023-25:

Group Funding rates Countries
1 180 Euro per day Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, additionally: United Kingdom
2 160 Euro per day Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus
3 140 euros per day Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey and Hungary

The amount of the travel support depends on the distance between the place of departure and destination of the mobility. This distance is standardised throughout Europe using this calculation tool.

Green travelling:

If "sustainable" means of transport are used for at least 50% of the journey, an increased travel support is paid for the corresponding distance. The following are considered "sustainable" means of transport (as of 11/2021) Train, bus, car-sharing, cycling, walking. Travelling alone by car is not covered.

The following are reimbursed:

Distance How much? How much for green travelling?
10 km - 99 km 23 EUR -
100 km - 499 km 180 EUR 210 EUR
500 km - 1,999 km 275 EUR 320 EUR
2,000 km - 2,999 km 360 EUR 410 EUR

To promote green travel, there is an Interrail Pass especially for Erasmus+ participants. You can find more information here.

Ap­plic­a­tion and pro­ced­ure

Here you will find further information on how to apply and the administrative process.

Learn more

Real cost ap­plic­a­tions

Here you will find further information on the real cost applications (university staff with disabilities or chronic illnesses and university staff taking their child(ren) abroad).

Learn more

Erasmus+ out­side Europe (ICM)

Erasmus+ with partner countries outside Europe or International Credit Mobility (ICM)

Learn more
Video: Zu Lehrzwecken ins Ausland mit Erasmus+

Erasmus+ mo­bil­ity for teach­ing pur­poses: In­vit­ing cor­por­ate staff (STA2)

You have the possibility to invite corporate staff from other European countries and finance them through Erasmus+.

Learn more

Con­tact us

Eva Walczak

International Office

Room I4.210
Paderborn University
365足彩投注_365体育投注@ Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours

Mittwochs, 13-14 Uhr über Zoom
(365足彩投注_365体育投注@ werden in Reihenfolge aus dem virtuellen Warteraum geholt.)

Erasmus+ at the UPB

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.