University lecturers in dialogue

The new series of events "University Teachers in Dialogue" initiated in the summer semester 2018 is aimed specifically at the status group of university teachers.

All university lecturers are cordially invited to engage in dialogue with their colleagues and some external experts on current topics in university teaching - inspiring at best, but also quite controversial - and to explore new perspectives on university teaching and learning. The respective thematic focus and the (internal and external) initiators will be announced at the beginning of each semester.

The series is organised by the Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Sch?ppner in cooperation with the Educational Innovation and University Didactics Unit.

In­form­a­tion on events

Next event

The next event for 2024 is currently being planned. You will find news here soon.

Past events

Here you will find an overview of the events that have already taken place.

Learn more

Con­tact per­son

Dr. Nerea V?ing

Higher Education Development Office

Room E5.323
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn