In­clu­sion in sub­ject les­sons: re­search pro­ject by Pader­born Uni­ver­sity, Pader­born Uni­ver­sity and Co­logne Uni­ver­sity presents new tool for teach­ers

 |  EducationResearchTransferPress releaseFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesFaculty of Science

The three-year research project "Didactic-diagnostic potentials of inclusion-oriented subject teaching", or DiPoSa for short, which was carried out by a team of researchers from Paderborn University, Bielefeld University and the University of Cologne, was successfully completed at the end of last year. The aim of the project was to improve the inclusive education of children through resource-orientated and support-related diagnostics and to make children's learning potential visible in inclusive subject lessons. As a result, teachers should be able to respond to pupils in a supportive - and therefore better - way through didactic and diagnostic action. The primary schools Bonhoeffer-Heinrich and Sande (Paderborn), Sudbrackschule (Bielefeld), Brüder Grimm and Andreas-Wenneber (Gütersloh) as well as Spradow and the Grundschulverbund Elseaue (Herford) took part in DiPoSa as partners from the field. Among other things, a tool was developed to support primary school teachers in meeting the challenges and needs of heterogeneous learning groups. The scientists' work was sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with around 720,000 euros as part of the "Metavorvorhaben Inklusive Bildung (MInkBi)" programme.

The interdisciplinary project team from the fields of educational research, Education Studies, special education and science didactics can look back on a successful collaboration - not only among themselves, but also in close cooperation with the schools from the very beginning: "The interlinking of science and practice is a central feature of the 'design-based research' approach on which the DiPoSa project is based and was a decisive condition for the success of the project," says network coordinator Prof. Dr Susanne Miller (primary school). Dr Susanne Miller (Primary School Education) from Bielefeld University. In this way, the main objective, namely the visualisation of children's learning potential in inclusive subject lessons, could be achieved, taking into account all the requirements of the various participants from schools and universities.

One milestone is the recording of lesson videographies in subject lessons: "From the video material totalling more than 230 lessons, an extensive treasure trove of video vignettes, i.e. four to eight-minute video clips on subject-specific but also interdisciplinary areas of requirement in inclusive lessons, was filtered out. These modules were previously identified as particularly relevant together with the teachers in order to be able to adapt the lessons to the very heterogeneous requirements of the children," explains Prof Dr Brigitte Kottmann(Special Educational Support and Inclusion in Schools) from Paderborn University.

The building blocks form the framework for a digital video-based analysis tool that provides primary school teachers with theoretical background knowledge and practical teaching materials enriched with teaching video vignettes on key challenges in heterogeneous learning groups. "This analysis tool is the centrepiece, so to speak, the main product of the joint DiPoSa project work. It forms the basis for tried-and-tested seminar concepts for science education studies and the development of an evaluation instrument as part of a doctorate," explains Paderborn sub-project leader Prof Dr Eva Blumberg(Didactics of Science Education).

"DiPoSa is now a well-known term in the scientific community of inclusion-oriented educational research," continues Blumberg. The scientist takes a look into the future: "Further related activities on the topic of 'Didactic-diagnostic action in inclusive teaching' follow on almost seamlessly. In addition to a practical and specialist day that has already taken place, a nationwide network on 'Adaptive learning and teaching in primary schools' has been set up."

Anyone interested in DiPoSa training or the DiPoSa tool can find more information online.

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Photo (AG Blumberg, Paderborn University): The scientists and subject teachers from OWL involved in the DiPoSa project are delighted with the successful progress and conclusion of the DiPoSa project at their last development conference at Paderborn University.


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Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kottmann

Sonderp?dagogische F?rderung und Inklusion in der Schule, F?rderschwerpunkt Lernen


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