Work­shop "Ef­fect­ive and Dy­nam­ic Sci­entif­ic Present­a­tions - On­line and in Per­son" in March 2023

On 27 and 28 March 2023, Paderborn University will offer the workshop "Effective and Dynamic Scientific Presentations - Online and in Person."
In this online presentation skill workshop with Artsbased Solutions, the focus lies on both creating a compelling storyline as well as delivering the message effectively. It goes beyond a theoretical understanding of presentation performance and invites the participants to expand their range of action through improvisational exercises. The hardware is being developed just as much as nonverbal communication, connection to the audience and overall performance quality during a talk in a scientific context. The coaching is enhanced by practical elements of theatre and vocal performance that apply in the given context. In addition, it includes an individual feedback that focusses on specific, personal challenges.

The workshop will take place in English.

More information can be found here.