Cour­se de­s­crip­ti­on

Nr. 205.01

Effective and Dynamic Scientific Presentations - Online and in Person


6th – 7th May 2024, 09.00 am - 2.00 pm



Target Group

PhD Students of all faculties



Group Size

max. 12 participants


In this online presentation skill workshop with Artsbased Solutions, the focus lies on both creating a compelling storyline as well as delivering the message effectively. It goes beyond a theoretical understanding of presentation performance and invites the participants to expand their range of action through improvisational exercises. The hardware is being developed just as much as nonverbal communication, connection to the audience and overall performance quality during a talk in a scientific context. The coaching is enhanced by practical elements of theatre and vocal performance that apply in the given context. In addition, it includes an individual feedback that focusses on specific, personal challenges.

Creating a concise and compelling storyline is the first step in such a training. With the storyline, the quality of the talk is determined. The participants learn the most important elements of storytelling and how to turn their scientific talk into a compelling structure. Furthermore, the success of a good presentation depends on its delivery. In this workshop, the participants will reflect, train and practice their delivery style and add effective skills to their presentation skill tool box.

Day 1

  • Basic standards and hardware of scientific presentations (structure, slide design, storyline for presentations and poster presentations)

  • Storytelling elements

  • Design of a compelling opening

  • Body language (online + in person): Theoretical input on “does and don’ts”

Day 2

  • Body Language: Final input

  • Use of Voice: Practice and improvisation

  • Connection to the audience

  • Dealing with nervousness

  • Feedback and questions


Kathrin Keune or Thomas Müller

Trainer?s Background

Kathrin Keune holds a Master’s degree in “Expressive Arts Therapy, Coaching and Education” and a B.A. in psychology. During her 6-year stay in California, she held a position as lab manager in the neuroscience lab of Dr. Barbara Ranscht at the Burnham Institute. Kathrin has been working as a business coach and consultant for over a decade and is still a performing classical singer.

Thomas Müller, a qualified artsbased coach, sports teacher, actor and educator, is characterized by a multi-layered portfolio that focuses on understanding human behavior and how to deal with it. His acting career led him from television and various theater productions into the comedic cabaret field, where he has been delighting audiences with various solo programs for a decade. His powers of observation of people in everyday life, his political eye and his ability to get to the heart of things make for theatrical performances that stimulate (re)thinking.

Organizational information

This workshop is planned as an online workshop (using ZOOM). You will need a pc/ laptop with speakers, microphone and camera.

Registration Deadline

2 weeks before start of the event

On the registration deadline we decide on the basis of the registrations whether an event can take place or not. Therefore, please register promptly if you are interested! The more registrations we receive, the more certain we can hold the event. Of course, you can still register after the registration deadline if there are still places available.


Gewünschte(r) Kurs(e)
Angaben zur Person
Zustimmung des/der Vorgesetzten

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