
Reliable Green - Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesses and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy


The ERASMUS+ project 'Reliable Green Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesses and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy' is concerned with the development, testing and evaluation of solutions for home and digital work in European contexts of a sustainable and green economy, as well as related training offers.

Reliable Green has a duration of 24 months. The project language is English.

Nowadays, professional activity at the level of small and medium-sized enterprises is increasingly dynamic and in a state of constant change – in line with global trends and accelerated technological development. Before 2020, teleworking was optional here, with a maximum of 5.4% of freelancers or those working in SMEs in the casual sectors working from home. However, according to EU statistics compiled by EUROSTAT, over 40% of employees in the European Community switched to full teleworking from the beginning of the first part of 2020. This trend continues to this day. This is also confirmed by the fact that EU statistics reflect the situation in such a way that over 50% of employees have no experience of teleworking, which in fact makes the transition to this new way of organizing even more difficult, affects employee productivity and also influences company productivity in the short or medium term.

The current dynamics of the labor market show the mismatch between the skills of employees and the needs and requirements of the labor market. With regard to the advantages of teleworking, this form of professional work organization brings a number of advantages in addition to challenges: these include savings in travel time and savings in resources at the company level for utilities and rent payments. It is also a green professional approach, characterized by a reduced need for commuting to the workplace and an associated reduction in the harmful effects of cars, as well as a saving of resources in the sense of mineral resources such as oil.

Therefore, a clear need can be identified with regard to the development of the necessary skills and approaches at the management level for the long-term integration of teleworking in the various professional fields of activity. However, the benefits of teleworking are currently not accessible to employers and employees who do not have the skills and competencies to organize work from home and provide the appropriate environment. Employees who do not have the necessary skills and competencies risk losing their jobs if this trend continues. In the worst case, this could lead to an increase in the unemployment rate at the European level. Therefore, there is a need to redefine the skills and abilities of employees at all professional levels. The RELIABLE GREEN project therefore aims to develop and provide a training framework for adult educators, employees and future employees. This is done with the aim of promoting and developing their digital skills, software and cross-sectional skills and abilities, as these can help them to adapt more easily to the new, accelerated international trends.

Teaching these skills and abilities, as well as encouraging companies and policymakers to continue to introduce teleworking, is associated with social, economic and environmental benefits and leads to long-term effects on the European community. Therefore, the RELIABLE GREEN project addresses these needs and supports SMEs and VET tutors by providing tailored educational and training materials that build key skills and competencies among back-office employees and SME managers.

The core objective of the project is to develop tailored training methodologies, curricula and teaching-learning materials that address the needs of back-office employees, SME managers and VET tutors, and that meet the requirements of working from a home office and promote the implementation of the approach in the work and business environment. In this way, the project will promote digitized European companies and take an environmentally friendly approach.


- GIE - Grupul Pentru Integrare Europeana, Romania

(concept partner, coordinator)

- CARDET - Centre for advancement of research and development in educational technology LTD, Cyprus

(research and development partner)

- FIPL - Future in Perspective Ltd., Ireland

(testing partner)

- Rightchallenge - Associa??o, Portugal

(testing partner)

- University of Paderborn, Chair of Business Education II, Germany

(concept, didactics and university partner)


The ERASMUS+ project “Reliable Green Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesses and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy” is concerned with the development, testing and evaluation of solutions for home and digital work in European contexts of a sustainable and green economy, as well as related training opportunities. The project aims to:

  • Establishing a labor market center at the level of each partner country to support the introduction of teleworking
  • Addressing a gap in the provision of VET to support SME employees in improving their skills for a remote work environment
  • Equip VET tutors with skills, competences and attitudes needed for innovative/technology-oriented design. Training activities and services for companies
  • Promote the digital, social and cross-departmental skills of SME employees to adapt to a teleworking environment
  • the well-being, motivation and productivity of employees in online work
  • innovative and easily accessible educational resources for innovative work practices.

The project will conduct a detailed labor market analysis and identify home office implementations and options. Subsequently, Reliable Green will develop a Continuous Professional Development curriculum, a guideline on Getting ready to teach and train with technology, and an e-learning platform that addresses the challenges of home office workplaces and sustainable work in these contexts, which will be developed, tested and evaluated.

The Reliable GREEN project aims to:

- establish a labor market center at the level of each partner country to support the introduction of teleworking

- address a gap in the provision of VET to support SME employees in improving their skills for a remote work environment

- To equip VET tutors with the skills, competences and attitudes needed for innovative and technology-oriented design

- To provide training activities and services to companies

- To promote the digital, social and transversal skills of SME employees to adapt to a teleworking environment

- To improve the well-being, motivation and productivity of employees when working online

- Create innovative and easily accessible educational resources for innovative working practices

- Develop an e-learning platform focused on self-assessment and training that is accessible to all

- Provide management tools for SME executives to enable them to digitally manage organizational activities

- Increase the flexibility of working patterns at the SME level

Consortium activities:

- Identifying sectors where telework is viable

- Establishing a labor market center at the level of each partner country to support the adoption of telework

- Closing the gap in the provision of VET to support SME employees in upskilling for a remote work environment

- Empowering VET teachers with the skills, competences and attitudes needed to design innovative and technology-oriented training activities and services for companies

- Enhancing the digital, social and transversal skills of SME employees to adapt to a remote working environment

- Improving employee well-being, motivation and productivity when working online

- Creating innovative and easily accessible educational resources for innovative working practices

- Development of an e-learning platform focused on self-assessment and training, accessible to all

- Formulation of strategies for the implementation of teleworking at the transnational level

- Provision of management tools for SME executives to enable them to digitally manage organizational activities

- Increasing the flexibility of working patterns at the SME level

Key Facts

Grant Number:
Research profile area:
Transformation and Education
Project duration:
02/2022 - 01/2024
Contribution to sustainability:
Quality Education
Funded by:

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

About the person


R1 Detailed analysis of the labour market, identification of telework and field opportunities

The area of labour market analysis and opportunities for teleworking provides a solid knowledge base for the methodology and resources designed by the partners to facilitate the adaptation of the management and employees of small and medium-sized companies with regard to teleworking and working from home.

R2 Getting ready to teach and train with technology – Methodological guidelines

The methodological guidelines will enable teachers in vocational education and training to design and organize the organization and management of authentic, innovative and engaging training activities for companies and employees. They will be prepared to use modern technologies to teach.

R3 Continuous Professional Development Curriculum

The curriculum or course for continuous professional development promotes and develops the digital, social and transversal skills and competences of employees so that they can adapt to the new work environments without experiencing negative effects of the changes at the psychological level and with the least possible impact on their productivity, motivation and work results.

R4 Adaptive telework toolkit for SMEs

The customizable telework toolkit for SMEs will provide the necessary resources for employees to improve and adapt their professional activities in the new organizational forms.

R5 Innovative educational resources compendium for SME leaders

The compendium of innovative educational resources for SME leaders clarifies the skills needed in the future to manage professional activities in small and medium-sized companies in the context of digitalization and globalization.

R6 E-learning platform

The e-learning platform is the main project result, on which all materials, courses and elaborations created in the project are brought together and which relates all aspects to each other. It provides the necessary tools to enable access to the resources according to the interests and expertise of the user.