Prof. Dr. Andreas Münzmay

Musicology Seminar Detmold/Paderborn

Contact and Affiliations

Office Address:
Hornsche Str. 39
32756 Detmold
HFM1 2.06
Office hours:

Wed. 3:00-4:00 pm. Please register in advance by e-mail. You can find me in the office and/or in the Zoom room “Sprechstunde Münzmay”.

Telephone: 05231-975-672

Telephone (secretary’s office): 05231-975-667

Office Address:
Hornsche Str. 39
32756 Detmold
HFM1 2.06
Office hours:

Wed. 3:00-4:00 pm. Please register in advance by e-mail. You can find me in the office and/or in the Zoom room “Sprechstunde Münzmay”.

Telephone: 05231-975-672

Telephone (secretary’s office): 05231-975-667

Executive Director - Professor
Key research area Digital Humanities
Speaker - Professor

Was bewegen wir gemeinsam mit akademischer Forschung und Lehre? – Herzliche Einladung zur Diskussion!

About Andreas Münzmay

Andreas Münzmay is Professor of Musicology / Digital Music Edition / Digital Humanities at the University of Paderborn (Faculty of Arts and Humanities), scientific director of the Centre for Music – Edition – Media (ZenMEM) and co-spokesperson of the Digital Humanities profile area at the University of Paderborn. As co-spokesperson in the NFDI4Culture consortium, he heads the Paderborn team of NFDI4Culture's "Cultural Research Data Academy" and, as an academy professor, is project co-leader in the long-term project "Beethoven's 365足彩投注_365体育投注@" of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature.

Curriculum Vitae

2008 - 2016: CV

Andreas Münzmay is Professor of Musicology / Digital Music Edition / Digital Humanities at the University of Paderborn (Faculty of Arts and Humanities), scientific director of the Centre for Music – Edition – Media (ZenMEM) and co-spokesperson of the Digital Humanities profile area at the University of Paderborn. As co-spokesperson in the NFDI4Culture consortium, he heads the Paderborn team of NFDI4Culture's "Cultural Research Data Academy" and, as an academy professor, is project leader in the long-term project "Beethoven's 365足彩投注_365体育投注@" of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature.

Münzmay Music, Romance languages and literature, jazz trombone, and musicology in Stuttgart, received his doctorate from the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) in 2008 with a thesis on French-German cultural transfers in 19th-century music theater, worked as a musician, music school teacher, choir director, and high school teacher, and held teaching positions in musicology at the Stuttgart University of Music, the UdK Berlin, and the University of Potsdam. From 2009 to 2014, he worked at the Universities of Bayreuth and Frankfurt am Main as a scientific editor in the edition project "OPERA - Spectrum of European Music Theater" of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz, and then as a reasearch associate at the Institute of Musicology at Goethe University Frankfurt until 2016. He received the Hermann Abert Prize of the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung for his scientific achievements in 2012.

2012: Hermann-Abert-Preis der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung


Research Interests

European Music Theatre and Vocal Music (17th–20th c.)

Music in the context of theatre media (music dramaturgy, libretto, stage music, vaudeville, music and dance)

Digital Scholarly Editing and Digital Humanities

Musical Perfomance and Recordings

Media History and Cultural History of Improvisation and Jazz

Cultural Transfer


Latest Publications

Open Edirom: From hybrid music edition to open data publication

L. Fr?mmel, T. Bachmann, A. Plaksin, A. Münzmay, in: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, ACM, 2024.

Open Data in musikphilologischen Projekten: Herausforderungen, Strategien, Potenziale

J. Kepper, A. Münzmay, in: DHd2023: Open Humanities, Open Culture, 2023.

Justine Favarts Rox(el)ane: Eine Relektüre von Soliman second (1761) in Text, Bild, Musik jenseits des Orientalismusparadigmas

A. Münzmay, in: J. Iffland, J. Imm, N. Jaeschke, S. Schauberger (Eds.), Musikwissenschaft der Vielfalt. FS Rebecca Grotjahn zum 60. Geb., Allitera, München, 2021, pp. 267–287.

Brückenschl?ge zwischen Musikwissenschaft und Informatik. Theoretische und praktische Aspekte der Kooperation

A. Münzmay, S. Aquavella-RauchJ, J. Veit, eds., Brückenschl?ge zwischen Musikwissenschaft und Informatik. Theoretische und praktische Aspekte der Kooperation, Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universit?t Paderborn und der Hochschule für Musik Detmold, Detmold, 2020.

Brückenschl?ge zwischen Musikwissenschaft und Informatik – Vorbemerkung

A. Münzmay, S. Aquavella-Rauch, J. Veit, in: A. Münzmay, S. Acquavella-Rauch, J. Veit (Eds.), Bru?ckenschl?ge zwischen Musikwissenschaft und Informatik. Theoretische und praktische Aspekte der Kooperation, Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universit?t Paderborn und der Hochschule für Musik Detmold, Detmold, 2020, p. XI–XV.

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Current Courses

  • Skizzenforschung
  • Musiktheater lesen: Partitur- und Librettostudien zu Wagners und Offenbachs Künstleropern Die Meistersinger bzw. Les Contes d'Hoffmann
  • Mozart, Telemann, Stockhausen und Co. ? Kodierung und Performance nichtlinearer Musik

Scientific Engagement

2024  |  Aktuelle Gremienmitgliedschaften

Gech?ftsführender Leiter ZenMEM

NFDI4Culture Steering Board und Co-Spokespersons Comittee

Ko-Sprecher Profilbereich Digital Humanities der Universit?t Paderborn


Vorsitz Prüfungsausschuss BA/MA Musikwissenschaft der Fakult?t für Kulturwissenschaften, Universit?t Paderborn

Prüfungsausschuss BA/MA Popul?re Musik und Medien der Fakult?t für Kulturwissenschaften, Universit?t Paderborn

Promotionsausschuss der HfM Detmold

Leitung Redaktion der Dissertationsmeldestelle der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung / musiconn

Programmkomitee Tagungen des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd)

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat des Projekts Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae (CMO)