Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Christoph Scheytt
System and Circuit Technology / Heinz Nixdorf Institut
Contact and Affiliations
- E-Mail:
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-6350
- 0000-0002-5950-6618
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
Fürstenallee 11
33102 Paderborn - Room:
- F0.423
- E-Mail:
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-6350
- 0000-0002-5950-6618
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
Fürstenallee 11
33102 Paderborn - Room:
- F0.423
About J. Christoph Scheytt
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2012: Professor (W3)
Universit?t Paderborn
2006 - 2012: Leiter der Abteilung Schaltungsentwurf
IHP Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, Frankfurt (Oder), Deutschland
2010 - 2011: Lehrbeauftragter
Vorlesung "Broadband IC Design for Communications", Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Deutschland
2000 - 2006: Mitgründer und Gesch?ftsführer
advICo microelectronics GmbH, Recklinghausen, Deutschland (Startup, Ausgründung aus der Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Deutschland)
13.07.2000: Promotion
Dr.-Ing. Elektrotechnik, Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Deutschland. Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Langmann
1995 - 2000: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Doktorand
Lehrstuhl für Integrierte Schaltungen, Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Deutschland
1989 - 1995: Studium
Diplom Elektrotechnik, Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Deutschland
Latest Projects
- SPP 2314 - MLL-basierte Integrierte THz Frequenz-Synthesizers (MINTS) Phase 2
- LiDAR Radar Combi System
- MID4automative: Mechatronic Integrated Devices for Automotive Radar Systems
- TRR 142 - Compact high performance photon pair source using ultrafast hybrid modulators based on CMOS and LNOI (C11*)
- PhoQuant: Photonic Quantum Computing - Quantum computing evaluation platform
- Photonic Quantum Systems Network (PhoQSNET) - Quantum communication infrastructure
- SPP 2314: INtegrated TERahErtz sySTems Enabling Novel Functionality (INTEREST)
- FOR 2863 - Scalable THz Transceiver Impairment Model
- Scale4Edge: Scalable infrastructure for edge computing
- SPP 2111 - Ultra-Wideband Photonically Assisted Analog-to-Digital Converters (PACE) - Phase 2
- SPP 2111 - PONyDAC II - Precise Optical Nyquist Pulse Synthesizer DAC
- SPP 2111: Electronic-Photonic Integrated Systems for Ultrafast Signal Processing
- Transregional Collaborative Research Center TRR 142 - Tailored Nonlinear Photonics: From Fundamental Concepts to Functional Structures
Selected Publications
M. Bahmanian, C. Kress, C. Scheytt, Optics Express 14 (2022).
M. Bahmanian, J.C. Scheytt, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 70 (2022) 4422–4435.
M. Bahmanian, C. Scheytt, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 69 (2021) 1635–1645.
L. Wu, J.C. Scheytt, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 68 (2021) 3668–3681.
C. Kress, M. Bahmanian, T. Schwabe, J.C. Scheytt, Opt. Express 29 (2021) 23671–23681.
Show all publications
Current Courses
- Silicon Photonics (Projekt)
- Silicon Photonics (Projekt)
- Silicon Photonics (Project)
- Silicon Photonics (Project)
- Schnelle integrierte Schaltungen für die leitungsgebundene Kommunikation
- Schaltungstechnik
- Radio Frequency IC Design (Project)
- Projektseminar Schaltungstechnik
- Nanoelektronik (Projekt)
- Nanoelectronics (Project)
- Mixed-Signal Entwurf (Projekt)
- Mixed Signal Design (Project)
- Hochfrequenz-IC-Design (Projekt)
- Forschungsseminar Hotchips - Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich hochintegrierter optischer und elektronischer Schaltungen
- Fast Integrated Circuits for Wireline Communications
- Entwurf elektronischer Systeme (Projekt)
- Embedded System Modeling and Design
- Embedded System Modeling and Design
- Electronic System Design (Project)
- Electronic System Design (Project)
- Design of Electronic Systems (Project)
- Circuit and Systems Design
- Analysis and Design of Electronic Circuits
- Analyse und Entwurf elektronischer Schaltungen
Scientific Engagement
Since 2018 | Gründungsmitglied des Instituts für Photonische Quantensysteme (PhoQS), Universit?t Paderborn