Work­shop "Child pro­tec­tion, child en­dan­ger­ment and child wel­fare" - Part 1

Location: Technologiepark (TP12 1.06)

On Monday, 20 January, from 4 to 8 p.m. and Friday, 24 January, from 3 to 7 p.m., Anne Oberrath, research assistant in the working group "Special educational support and inclusion in schools with a focus on emotional and social development" at the Institute of Educational Science at Paderborn University, will be holding a workshop entitled "Child protection, child endangerment and child welfare". At the Technology Park (TP12 1.06), participants will discuss key issues surrounding the topic as well as options for support and action. Various case studies and field reports will provide a practical reference to the school context. The workshop is aimed at teachers, trainee teachers and students. The number of participants is limited to 20. Please register with Anne Oberrath: anne.oberrath[at]uni-paderborn[dot]de.

Further information can be found on the website of the PLAZ - Professional School of Education
