
Pader­born For­eign Lan­guage Day of­fers fur­ther train­ing for teach­ers

Lectures, workshops and an exhibition of teaching materials address current topics in modern foreign language teaching in English, Spanish and French

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5th An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Crit­ic­al Com­mu­nic­a­tion Stud­ies Net­work

This year's conference aims to encourage a new and critical examination of solidarity in and through media and communication studies.

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Plan. Par­ti­cip­ate. Build. Mov­ing - An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the dvs Com­mis­sion Sport and Space

The sports sociology working group at Paderborn University is looking forward to welcoming guests from various academic disciplines: planning, architecture and urban development, municipal sports development and other related professional groups.

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Pan­el dis­cus­sion "De­fy­ing di­git­al cap­it­al­ism in solid­ar­ity - what can sci­ence achieve?"

Dr Marisol Sandoval from Paderborn University, Prof Dr Stine Eckert from Wayne State University in Detroit) and Prof Dr Serhat Karakayal? from Leuphana University Lüneburg will speak at the ‘Solidarity’ conference

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Pan­el dis­cus­sion "Solid­ar­ity at the uni­ver­sity"

All interested parties are cordially invited

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Book present­a­tion in hon­our of Lud­wig Huber

A book presentation on the newly published volume "Wissenschaftsdidaktik als kritische Kommunikationsanalyse" will take place at Paderborn University on Monday, 23 September

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SICP Sym­posi­um fo­cusses on "data rooms"

The event will focus on the question of how a competitive data economy can be developed that safeguards digital sovereignty in Germany and Europe

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"OWL3D Live 2024" and Mech­an­ic­al En­gin­eer­ing For­um on 24 Septem­ber

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Paderborn University and the regional 3D printing initiative OWL3D are organising two joint networking events

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13th So­ci­ology of Con­ven­tions Work­shop

The 13th Sociology of Conventions 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ will take place at Paderborn University from 26 to 27 September

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Work­shop: Mi­chael Po­la­nyi: "Per­son­al know­ledge"

On Friday, 27 September, the "Theoretical Philosophy" working group, led by Prof. Dr Sebastian Luft, is holding a full-day workshop on Michael Polanyi (1891-1976).

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When quanta dance: Pub­lic sci­ence talk on the top­ic of quantum com­put­ing

International quantum photonics scientific elite visit Paderborn

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Wel­come event for new postdocs

The team from the Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers will introduce itself and its qualification and advisory services.

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Wel­come to the Doc­tor­ate: Wel­come event for doc­tor­al can­did­ates

The team of the Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers introduces itself and the qualification and advisory services offered by Paderborn University.

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"ZeKK live" - 45 minutes with Prof Dr Dina El-Omari

In the "ZeKK live" event format organised by the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at Paderborn University, professorial ZeKK members interview guests from public life on issues relating to religion and society.

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Lec­ture series "Mu­sic & di­git­al me­dia"

Lecture by Prof Dr Peter Moormann from the Technical University of Dortmund

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Stu­di­obühne presents "deutsche fei­ern"

With "deutsche feiern", theatre author Lars Werner takes a look behind the shiny facades of billion-dollar start-ups

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Stu­di­obühne presents "deutsche fei­ern"

With "deutsche feiern", theatre author Lars Werner takes a look behind the shiny facades of billion-dollar start-ups

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A special highlight will be short films selected by students from Paderborn University.

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Stu­di­obühne presents "deutsche fei­ern"

With "deutsche feiern", theatre author Lars Werner takes a look behind the shiny facades of billion-dollar start-ups

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Stu­di­obühne presents "deutsche fei­ern"

With "deutsche feiern", theatre author Lars Werner takes a look behind the shiny facades of billion-dollar start-ups

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Gradu­ate round table of the Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies

All interested (post-)doctoral students are cordially invited

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Lec­ture series "Mu­sic & di­git­al me­dia"

Lecture by Prof Damian Dziwis from the Detmold University of Music

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"Body Im­age, Phys­ic­al Activ­ity and Men­tal Health": COL­OURS uni­ver­sity al­li­ance in­vites to the CoL­ab event

Im Rahmen der ?CoLabs“ werden in Zusammenarbeit von Forschenden der COLOURS-Partneruniversit?ten und Akteur*innen aus den beteiligten europ?ischen Regionen aktuelle gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen bearbeitet. Vom 29. bis 31. Oktober steht das Thema ?Body Image, Physical Activity and Mental Health“ auf dem Programm.

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Stu­di­obühne presents "deutsche fei­ern"

With "deutsche feiern", theatre author Lars Werner takes a look behind the shiny facades of billion-dollar start-ups

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Stu­di­obühne presents "deutsche fei­ern"

With "deutsche feiern", theatre author Lars Werner takes a look behind the shiny facades of billion-dollar start-ups

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"ZeKK live" - 45 minutes with Prof. Dr Klaus von Stosch

In the "ZeKK live" event format organised by the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at Paderborn University, professorial ZeKK members interview guests from public life on issues relating to religion and society.

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Di­dactics con­fer­ence "Against anti-demo­crat­ic pop­u­lism"

On Saturday, 9 November, the "Didactics of Philosophy" working group at Paderborn University, together with the Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie (AIPPh) and the Philosophisch-Politische Akademie e. V., is organising a hybrid conference on the topic of "Against anti-democratic populism".

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Stu­di­obühne presents "deutsche fei­ern"

With "deutsche feiern", theatre author Lars Werner takes a look behind the shiny facades of billion-dollar start-ups

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Stu­di­obühne presents "deutsche fei­ern"

With "deutsche feiern", theatre author Lars Werner takes a look behind the shiny facades of billion-dollar start-ups

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Lec­ture series "Mu­sic & di­git­al me­dia"

Lecture by Prof. Lucia Kilger from the Detmold University of Music

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Lec­ture series "Mu­sic & di­git­al me­dia"

Discussion concert with the ensemble ‘Ixora’ under the direction of Maria Zontova

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The German comedy, based on the book by Heinrich Spoerl, is about a tipsy group of men who hatch a crazy plan

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The German comedy, based on the book by Heinrich Spoerl, is about a tipsy group of men who hatch a crazy plan

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The German comedy, based on the book by Heinrich Spoerl, is about a tipsy group of men who hatch a crazy plan

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Lec­ture series "Mu­sic & di­git­al me­dia"

Lecture by Prof Dr Miriam Akkermann from the Technical University of Dresden

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The German comedy, based on the book by Heinrich Spoerl, is about a tipsy group of men who hatch a crazy plan

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The German comedy, based on the book by Heinrich Spoerl, is about a tipsy group of men who hatch a crazy plan

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The German comedy, based on the book by Heinrich Spoerl, is about a tipsy group of men who hatch a crazy plan

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Lec­ture series "Mu­sic & di­git­al me­dia"

Lecture by Prof. Dr Beate Flath from Paderborn University

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Work­shop "Child pro­tec­tion, child en­dan­ger­ment and child wel­fare" - Part 1

The workshop is aimed at student teachers, trainee teachers and teachers and addresses key issues relating to child protection, child endangerment and child welfare. The event will take place on 20 and 24 January in the afternoon and has a limited number of participants.

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Lec­ture series "Mu­sic & di­git­al me­dia"

Lecture by church music director Peter Ammer from the Evangelical Church in Nagold

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Work­shop "Child pro­tec­tion, child en­dan­ger­ment and child wel­fare" - Part 2

The workshop is aimed at student teachers, trainee teachers and teachers and addresses key issues relating to child protection, child endangerment and child welfare. The event will take place on 20 and 24 January in the afternoon and has a limited number of participants.

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Sus­tain­able - Di­git­al - Equit­able. Fu­ture scen­ari­os of work, edu­ca­tion and ca­reers: 23rd Uni­ver­sity Days "Vo­ca­tion­al Edu­ca­tion" 2025

Under the title: "Sustainable - Digital - Equitable. Future scenarios for work, education and careers", experts in vocational education and training will be discussing research findings and approaches to current topics in vocational education and training at Paderborn University from 17 to 19 March 2025.

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An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Ger­man So­ci­ety for Health Eco­nom­ics (dg­g?)

The 17th Annual Conference of the German Society for Health Economics (dgg?), organised by Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schmitz, will take place on 24 and 25 March 2025 under the theme "Ageing and Health".

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