Cul­tur­al stud­ies in dia­logue: Right to Truth? Per­spect­ives on Got­thold Eph­raim Less­ing's "Nath­an the Wise"

Location: J3.220

The event series ‘KW in Dialogue - Encouraging Transdisciplinary Conversation between the Faculty Centres’ invites different perspectives to challenge each other in academic dialogue and thus contribute to the further development of those research perspectives.

The first event in the series will take place on Tuesday, 23 October, from 4 to 6 pm. It will be organised by Dr. Julia Diederich and Dr. Anda-Lisa Harmening. The structure of the event is designed to provoke challenging transdisciplinary encounters. To this end, thematic clusters were formed on the basis of four research centres based at the Faculty of Cultural Studies in order to engage in in-depth debate and discussion. The clusters are represented by various (research) institutions of the Faculty of Cultural Studies. Further dates and information can be found on the event series website. Registration is not necessary.

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