Study­ing theo­logy at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity: ex­per­i­ence day for high school stu­dents

Location: Geb?ude L

On Friday, 14 February, the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at Paderborn University is organising the "Theology Experience Day" in collaboration with the Protestant, Catholic and Islamic theology departments and the Interreligious Student Council. During the interfaith morning from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., sixth form students cannot only explore the university, but also experience the diversity of theologies and discover the different facets of world religions. The registration deadline is 31 January. The registration form and further information are available on the Experience Day website.

On the Experience Day, the various theological departments invite participants to gain an insight into the diversity of theology degree programmes and university processes. "We are looking forward to taking students on a journey of discovery through our theological disciplines. We have put together a varied programme for this," says Lukas Wapelhorst from the Institute of Catholic Theology at Paderborn University. "Participants can get a taste of university life and discover how exciting the different theologies are," adds Dr Sophia Niepert-Rumel from the Institute of Protestant Theology at Paderborn University.

Participants can look forward to workshops where they can join in and immerse themselves in the theologies, open offers from the religions and denominations as well as opportunities to exchange ideas with students and lecturers who will answer questions and provide insights. The students will be able to savour a meal together in the cafeteria and network further on future options.

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Lukas Wapelhorst

Church and religious history

Assistant to the Chair of Church and Religious History, Student Guidance & Chair Management Catholic Theology

Write email +49 5251 60-2355