"§175 StGB. His­tory with a dif­fer­ence." - Live talk on the crim­in­al­isa­tion of sexu­al ori­ent­a­tion from a his­tor­ic­al per­spect­ive

Location: GWLB - Gew?lbe unter dem Marienplatz (Marienplatz 18, 33098 Paderborn)

The history of the persecution of queer people under National Socialism is still largely unknown today. Paderborn University will therefore be hosting a live talk on the criminalisation of sexual orientation from a historical perspective on Tuesday, 28 January in the GWLB - Gew?lbe under Marienplatz (Marienplatz 18, 33098 Paderborn). From 5.30 pm to 7 pm, the talk by Peter Struck from the Queer History group at Bielefeld University will focus on the persecution and repression of queer people. All interested parties are cordially invited.

One aim of the live talk is to make the history of the emancipation of queer people and their fight for sexual and gender diversity visible. Paragraph 175, which was added to the penal code in 1870 and penalised sexual contact between men, is now history. However, anti-queer, racist and authoritarian attitudes and movements are increasingly threatening the gains made in emancipation. Therefore, the final discussion will also focus on the measures that can be used to anchor and further develop equality, acceptance and diversity - e.g. by amending Article 3 of the German Basic Law to protect queer people or implementing the German government's "Queer Leben" action plan.

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