Bal­an­cing Care Re­spons­ib­il­it­ies & Work/Study

When caring for a family member in addition to their job or studies, carers need support and more time flexibility.

Many employers are already taking these developments into account by offering support for employees who need care. Paderborn University would like to take a first step in this direction with this information service. With the Family Service Office, Paderborn University supports employees and students who are responsible for the care of family members.

The aim of the Family Service Office is to provide information about existing regional and national support services and the most important contact points and to encourage employees and students to use these to improve the compatibility of work/study and care. With this, Paderborn University would like to make a contribution to a more family-friendly and thus also care-friendly world of study and work.

News & Events

Paderborn University signs Charter on the Compatibility of Work and Carepress release

Der Parit?tische NRW I Contact Office Care Self-Help Paderborn

  • Programme of events for the second half of 2023 published. To the website
  • On Wednesday, 15 November from 15.00-16.30, there will be a lecture on "Cures for caring relatives" .


Information for Employees

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Information for Students

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Financing of Care

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Support in Everyday Life

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Dementia Services & Benefits

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Social Security for Carer

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Provision & Estate

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Quick help

Care Tele­phone

You suddenly have an acute care situation in your family?

The care hotline of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs can be reached at 030 20179131 and by e-mail.

Care Guide

Everything you need to know about care.

A detailed guidebook by the Federal Ministry of Health (as of June 2023).

Coun­selling in PB Dis­trict

When a care situation arises, many questions need to be clarified. In the district of Paderborn, there are various counselling services for caring relatives.