Teaching with a sustainability focus

Our teaching is broadly positioned in the fields of ecological, economic and social sustainability. Promoting and using potential in the field of teaching and expanding offers for education for sustainable development is a priority topic of the transformation. Our current status is a first step, but we still have a lot of potential.

In the winter semester 2023/24, we will start with the first lecture series on sustainability "UPB for Future", to which we cordially invite all students and the interested public.

The Centre for Educational Research and Teacher Training - PLAZ-Professional School started in June 2023 with a cross-university group on Education for Sustainable Development.

Teach­ing for a fair fu­ture

We set ourselves the goal of anchoring sustainability topics in all fields of teaching and making them accessible to all students.

In this way, students at Paderborn University are empowered to think and act in a sustainable way. Teaching enables each individual to understand the effects of their own actions on the world. Through a broad understanding of systems, spaces are created for new, forward-looking ideas and possibilities for action are expanded.

We see it as our duty to contribute this part to holistic transformation.


Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Lec­ture Series

In the course catalogue, the course can be found in PAUL here.

Fur­ther lec­tures and sem­inars in winter semester 23/24

The following lectures and seminars will be offered at Paderborn University in the winter semester 2023/24. (errors excepted)




Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Computer Science

Education Studies

German Studies


Theology ev.


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