Research with sustainability relevance

A core orientation of research is to be future-oriented. This is no longer possible without sustainability. That is why we promote the sustainability relevance of research projects and already present projects and fields that are researching sustainability topics. We don't work alone, but do research together in the course of network projects and cooperations with other universities or non-university partners.

For example, Research Day 2023 at the University of Paderborn was held under the motto "Smart Sustainability: Concepts for the Future". On this day, we looked at research dedicated to linking smart technologies, materials and processes with ecological, economic and social sustainability.

Re­search areas and net­works with sus­tain­ab­il­ity rel­ev­ance

Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy - PARSEC With the Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC), the Faculty of Economic Sciences is expanding its faculty-wide activities on sustainability. It understands "sustainable economy" as: long-term oriented economic development with special consideration of social, environmental and cultural phenomena.
Corporate Governance Corporate governance is a sub-discipline of business administration. According to a narrow understanding of the term, it deals with the design of institutions to protect the interests of shareholders. More broadly, it is concerned with protecting the welfare of other individuals and institutions that have an interest in the continued existence of the company.
Centre for Sustainable Systems Design - CSSD The CSSD bundles interdisciplinary basic research in the field of sustainability at Paderborn University. The objective is to lead to innovative contributions for a sustainable use of resources and society.
Institute for Lightweight Construction with Hybrid Systems - ILH Lightweight construction is a key technology with great potential for saving resources. However, the ILH goes beyond the automotive and transport industries and researches numerous other applications for lightweight construction, for example in medical technology, the construction or leisure industries.
Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology - KET The Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology (KET) was founded in January 2012 as a central scientific institution of Paderborn University. The tasks of the KET are research, teaching and technology transfer in the field of environmentally friendly and innovative energy generation, conversion and use.
Direct Manufacturing Research Center - DMRC The Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC) conducts research with the aim of establishing the additive process chain as a robust industrial production process. As a transfer institute based at Paderborn University, technology-leading industrial companies work together at the DMRC with researchers from the University to industrialise additive manufacturing.
Centre for Gender Studies The Centre for Gender Studies (ZG) was founded at Paderborn University and is located at the Institute for Education Studies/Faculty of Cultural Studies. Its tasks are the university, national and international networking, the implementation of gender-related events and activities as well as the support of research projects in the field of gender studies.


Behavioral Economic Engineering and Responsible Management am Heinz Nixdorf Institut – HNI Der Erfolg einer Organisation h?ngt ma?geblich davon ab, wie sich Mitarbeitende angesichts der sich st?ndig ver?ndernden Prozesse, Standards und Strukturen verhalten. Unter Berücksichtigung psychologischer und verhaltens?konomischer Konzepte wird menschliches Entscheidungsverhalten in verschiedenen Organisations- und Verantwortungssituationen und darauf aufbauenden Anreizsystemen zur Verhaltens?nderung untersucht.
Software Innovation Campus Paderborn – SICP ????? Der SICP?–?Software Innovation Campus Paderborn an der Universit?t Paderborn ist ein interdisziplin?rer Forschungs- und Innovationsverbund, in dem Unternehmen und Wissenschaft digitale Innovationen gemeinsam erforschen und umsetzen. 
SustAInable Life-cycle of Intelligent Socio-Technical Systems – SAIL SAIL ist eine interdisziplin?re und interinstitutionelle Zusammenarbeit der Universit?t Bielefeld, der Universit?t Paderborn, der Hochschule Bielefeld und der Technischen Hochschule OWL, gef?rdert durch das MKW NRW. 
Neue Mobilit?t Paderborn – NeMo.bil Paderborn Klimaschonend, benutzerorientiert und vernetzt – so sieht die Zukunft der Mobilit?t aus. Die Initiative Neue Mobilit?t Paderborn versteht sich als Anwendungszentrum für die Verknüpfung der Verkehrs- und Energiewende. Mit neuen Fahrzeugkonzepten in Leichtbauweise und nachhaltiger Energieerzeugung wird der Transport von Personen und Gütern digital und autonom. 
Innovationsflughafen PAD Am Flughafen Paderborn/Lippstadt wird eine einzigartige Umgebung für Entwicklung, Test und Validierung von zukünftigen Landside, Airside und Terminal Operations entwickelt. Dabei sind vor allem auch nachhaltige und autonome Flugsysteme im Fokus.



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