Honours by the University
Honorary Citizens
Personalities who are connected to the University in a special way can be appointed as honorary citizens of Paderborn University. This honor is usually not awarded to members of the University or its staff.
2015: Heinz Paus, former mayor of the city of Paderborn
2000: Prof. Dr. Craig Dean Willis, president of Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
1999: Wilhelm Lüke, former mayor of the city of Paderborn
1994: Renate Nixdorf ?
1994: Wilhelm Ferlings, former principal of the city of Paderborn
1989: Herbert Schwiete ?, former mayor of the city of Paderborn
1982: Prof. Dr. Martin Stepani ?, former general music director, former director of Detmold Academy of Music
1978: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Boghdan ?, former senior building director, former director of H?xter State School of Engineering
1975: Prof. Dr. René Lehmann ?, former president of Le Mans University
1973: Prof. Dr. phil. Josef Haupt ?, former senior building director, former head of State School of Mechanical Engineering, Paderborn
Honorary Doctorates
The faculties of Paderborn University can award the doctoral degree "honoris causa" for outstanding scientific achievements. Further criteria are the personality of the person to be honored and his/her relation to the University. The person to be honored may not work full-time at the University.
2019: Maria von Welser (television journalist), awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
2017: Prof. Dr. Christiane Floyd (Universit?t Hamburg), awarded by the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
2016: Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier (former German Foreign Minister), awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
2012: Herta Müller (Nobel Prize winner for literature), awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
2011: Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Dr. h.c. mult. Alfred Fettweis ? (Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum), awarded by the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
2010: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Nagl (RWTH Aachen), awarded by the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Department of Computer Science
2009: Prof. Dr. Bernd Schauenberg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?t Freiburg), awarded by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
2009: Dr. Reinhard H?ppner ? (Mathematician and former Minister President), awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Institute of Protestant Theology
2005: Andreas Mertin (Protestant theologian and educationalist), awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Institute of Protestant Theology
2000: Prof. Dr. Günter Hotz (Universit?t des Saarlandes Saarbrücken), awarded by the former Department 17, Subject: Computer Science
1998: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Pietsch (Friedrich-Schiller-Universit?t Jena), awarded by the former Department 17, Subject: Mathematics
1993: Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Hemfort (Member of the Board of Management of Westfalia Separator AG in Oelde), awarded by the former Department 10, Subject: Machine Technology
Honorary Senators
Personalities who have supported the University in a unique way as patrons or sponsors can be appointed as honorary senators of Paderborn University.
Honorary Professorships
The award of the title "honorary professor" requires outstanding achievements in professional practice in the application or development of scientific knowledge and methods or outstanding artistic achievements and five years of successful independent teaching at the university.
2019: Dr. Andreas Marchetti, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Romance Languages
2017: Prof. Dr. Gerhard E. Ortner, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Social and Human Sciences, Subject: Philosophy
2017: Dr.-Ing. Christian Obermann, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Technology
2016: Dr. Madjid Tavana, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department 3: Business Information Systems
2016: Dr. Florian Turk, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department 1: Management
2013: Dr.-Ing. Wilko Flügge, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Material and Joining Technology
2013: Dr. Michael Brands, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
2012: Dr. Jens Krüger, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department 3: Business Information Systems
2012: Dr. Klaus Dieter Hungenberg, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
2011: Dr. J?rg Hernler, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department 2: Taxation, Accounting and Finance
2009: Günther G. Goth, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department 1: Management
2007: Dr. Walter G?dden, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of German Studies and Comparative Literary Studiest
2006: Dr. Jutta Prieur-Pohl, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, History Department
2005: Joachim Veit, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Musicology Seminar Detmold/Paderborn
2004: Dr. Burkard W?rdenweber, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Dynamics and Mechatronics
2004: Dr. Anne Ratzki, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Educational Science
2002: Dr.-Ing. Kurt Alfred Ruppert, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Process Engineering and Environmental Process Engineering
2002: Dr. jur. Walter Seidensticker, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department 6: Law
2002: Dr. Ralf Ohlendorf, former Department 5, Economics
2002: Dr. Carsten Martin Claussen, former Department 5, Economics
2002: Dr. Friedrich Ostermann, former Department 10, Mechanical Engineering
2001: Dr. Gerhard Janssen, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Media Studies; Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department 6: Law
2001: Dr. Matthias Wemhoff, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, History Department
2000: Dr. Gerd Bock, former Department 14, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
1998: Dr. jur. Werner Schmeken, former Department 10, Mechanical Engineering
1997: Dr. Anne-Lene Fenger, former Department 1, Subject: Catholic Theology
1996: Dr.- Ing. Peter Puschner, former Department 10, Mechanical Engineering
1992: Woldemar Winkler ?, former Department 4, Subject: Arts
1992: Dr. phil. Hans Taubken, former Department 3, Subject: Linguistics and Literary Studies
1992: Dipl.-Ing. Ottomar Apelt, former Department 16, Subject: Electrical Energy Technology
1990: Dr. phil. Manfred Balzer, former Department 1, Subject: History
1989: Dr. agr. Karl-Heinrich Hoppenbrock, former Department 9, Subject: Agriculture
1987: Dr.-Ing. Michael Clewing, former Department 16, Subject: Electrical Energy Technology
1987: Dr. rer. nat. Eckhard Schlimme, former Department 13, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
1985: Dipl.-Ing. Günter Bolle, former Department 14, Subject: Electrical Engineering
1985: Dr. jur. Steffen Gronemeyer, former Department 5, Subject: Economics
1985: Dr. rer. pol. Heinrich Kürpick, former Department 5, Subject: Economics
The founding of the first five comprehensive universities (combination of regular university and "Fachhochschule") in North Rhine-Westphalia was associated not only with the goal of expanding the educational offerings in the state, but also with the hope of contributing to the improvement of educational structures through a concept of reform in higher education policy. In order to thank those who supported the University in fulfilling these tasks by promoting research and teaching, strengthening the connection to practice or enhancing regional, supra-regional and international relations, the senate and rectorate/presidium donates the medal of Paderborn University as a sign of appreciation.
2019: Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Peter Freese, Paderborn University
2019: Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Hartmut Steinecke, Paderborn University
2008: Prof. Dr. Sándor Antus, University of Debrecen
2004: Prof. Dr. Rafael Alcalá Aranda, University of Zaragoza
2002: Prof. Dr. Santiago García Echevarría, University of Alcalá
2000: Prof. John Johnston, Lock Haven University
1999: Dr. Rosemarie Herrmann, guest service at Paderborn University
1999: Waltraud Holzapfel, guest service at Paderborn University
1998: Jean-Michel Eichelbrenner, partnership officer Le Mans/Paderborn
1995: Franz-Albert Metternich-Sándor, duke of Ratibor and lord of Corvey
1994: Denise Landry, general secretary of Université du Maine
1994: Prof. Dr. Alain Pleurdeau, president of Le Mans University
1983: Prof. Cecil Thurston Butler, assistant director of Trent Polytechnic Nottingham
1979: Prof. Francois Dornic, former president of Le Mans University