Gym Cen­ter

Pre­ise, Tarife und ?ffnung­szeiten




First-time registrations cannot be done online. Please come to the Hochschulsport Office in person during our office ours.

With your first registration you have to decide between a membership of 6 or 12 months.
Registration is only possible for students or employees of Paderborn University.

You can find an overview on tarifs and rates here.


Pause Gym-Mem­ber­ship

Your 6 months membership can be paused once for a maximum 1-2 months. The same is possible twice for the 12 months membership.

Your membership is automatically extended for the duration of your pause. Please request the the pause 5 days in advance.

Afterwards you will receive a mail confirmation.

Ex­tend Mem­ber­ship

  Only for registered members. IMPORTANT
Only "Volltarif" includes the weekend -
but you can book "Add on Dauertarif Weekend"

First time registrations only in person with the

Hochschulsport Team during the office hours.      

Full Plan incl. Weekends (Saturdays 1pm-6pm Uhr, Sondays 3pm-8pm)

Good Morning Plan

Late Night Plan

Preventive Strength Training for Employees 35+

Basic Plan

WeekEnd only Plan

WeekEnd Add-on

Data pro­tec­tion rules while hav­ing a GTZ mem­ber­ship

Here you find finden the actual data protection rules while having a GTZ membership.