Eli­gib­il­ity Re­quire­ments

Registration und Participation

All members of Paderborn University and cooperating universities and colleges of higher education as well as the Studentwerk Paderborn regardless of their status group are entitled to participate at the sports events listed in the programme. This does also include former employess of Paderborn University (retirees/pensioners) and alumni of Paderborn University (all former students and employees of Paderborn University who received the confirmation according to their registration as alumni). In addition to that the head of the university sports department is allowed to accredit a certain number of guests or external members for participation.

The registration process for sports courses is via internet. In exceptional cases registrations for courses can be done manually through the Hochschulsport Service in SP2 during the office hours. This is not possible before the official registration has started.


Terms of Payment

Most offers of the University Sports Department are with costs. The amount differs by sport and exakt length and is meant to reach a break-even point. Costs differs for four groups (students/employees/ former students/external users).

Regardless of their workload employees and former students  do have to book the sports ticket for employees in advance of their booking. With this the fee is the same as for students. You are regarded as a student as soon as your are able to show your confirmation of enrolment.


The payment is made during the registration process by SEPA-direct debit. Therefore you will receive a payment reminder in a seperate mail. We take the money from bank accounts only twice a month as a collection of all bookings we received so far. According to that it can happen that you receive the payment reminder with a time lag of up to 2 weeks after your registration.

Your registration is completed after this registration process. In exceptional cases it is possible to pay for courses by bank transfer until 3 days after your registration in person at the Hochschulsport office. You will receive the documents needed there.

Costs that occur because of mistakes in bank account, less coverage or revocations are to be paid by the participants and are paid by direct bank debit the next time the direct debits are made.

This does also apply for the special case of registration in pairs, e.g. dancing courses. With the registration in pairs the course fee for both persons is to be taken out of the bank account of the person doing the registration who agrees to the SEPA direct debit.


Privacy Protection

Your personal information is used for the administration of courses only. The University Sports Department is allowed to ask for the following data: sex, title, name, surname, mail address, address, date of birth, university, student ID. For the registration of courses againt payment information about bank account information is also required. The information is only used for the admission for courses or events as well as for payment and evaluation of those events.


Withdrawl from Courses

The registration for ofany offers of the University Sports Department is madatory and payment must be made. With your booking you agree to participate in SEPA Direct Debit. A reminder advancing your booking is to be received by mail (SEPA-Prenotification). Cancellation of your agreement is not permitted, esspecially not after the receivement of the SEPA-Prenotification mail.

Costs that are coused due to lacking covering or wrong details of your bank account or due to cancellations are to be paid by the participants and will be paid by SEPA Direct Debit again in the next payment period. The University Sports Department is allowed to exclude certain participants from events and further bookings. Generally a right for refund does not exist. In exceptional cases (e.g. due to injuries or cancellation of events) you can withdraw from your bookings during the first 2 weeks of the booking period by showing a verfiication (e.g. a medical certificate). In these cases we will try to change your registration to another course still open for registration or will send you a voucher on your paid fees. This voucher is valid for 12 months and can be used for further bookings of the University Sports Department.


Insurance for Participation at Events and Courses of the University Sport Department

Alle Studierenden der Universit?t Paderborn sind über die Unfallkasse NRW unfallversichert, soweit sie an Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, die innerhalb des organisierten ?bungsbetriebes des HSP w?hrend der festgesetzten Zeiten stattfinden.
Bedingung ist, dass eine ordnungsgem??e Anmeldung für den Kurs erfolgt ist.
Unfallmeldungen sind binnen drei Tagen im Service Center der Uni abzugeben.
Angestellte der Hochschule sind unfallversichert, wenn die sportliche Bet?tigung nach den Bedingungen der RVO als Betriebssport gelten kann. Dies trifft nur zu für Veranstaltungen, die ausschlie?lich für Bedienstete ausgeschrieben sind und eine unmittelbare Anbindung an die t?gliche Arbeitszeit aufweisen (Wochenendveranstaltungen und Extra-Touren sind ausdrücklich ausgenommen). Ein privater Versicherungsschutz wird daher dringend empfohlen.
Für Nichthochschulmitglieder besteht kein Versicherungsschutz.
Der Versicherungstr?ger nimmt bei jedem Schadensfall eine Einzelbewertung vor.
Alle Sportunf?lle sind unverzüglich im Hochschulsport-Büro zu melden.

- Die Universit?t Paderborn haftet für Sch?den der angemeldeten Teilnehmer/innen nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass Teilnehmer/innen geeignete Sportbrillen zu tragen haben.
- Die Universit?t Paderborn  haftet nicht für Diebst?hle.
- Aus diesem Grund empfehlen wir allen Teilnehmern/innen k e i n e Wertsachen zu den Sportkursen mitzuführen.
- Nichthochschulmitglieder sind n i c h t versichert.
Die Universit?t Paderborn haftet nicht für Sch?den aus der Veranstaltung Dritter.


Further important Notes

Due to special events of the University Sports Department or other courses can be cancelled up to 2 times a smester. Dates of those events can be seen at the web pages. Alternative dates be offered on agreement but do not have to.

Participants can find lockers at the university's sports grouds. For using those a padlock is required. The lockers need to be emptied the same day. Further the "sports grounds' arrangements" have to be respected and followed.

Students who are already practising in clubs should come to the University Sports Department for registration in order to have the chance for the participation in university tournaments and championships representing the University of Paderborn.

Courses are not to held at public holidays. Arrangements for Christmas and New Years Eve will be annonced, generally courses, the Gym and other offers will be paused/closed during Christmas holidays.