
Internships are an important part of many degree programmes at Paderborn University. They can be completed before or during the Bachelor's or Master's degree programme and are often compulsory. However, voluntary internships are also possible. Regardless of the type of internship, organising and finding the right internship is crucial. To help with this, we not only offer advice, but also an overview of internship exchanges.

Com­puls­ory in­tern­ship

(Kopie 1)

In these degree programmes, a work placement should be completedbefore the start of the course:

Note: We strongly recommend that you complete the internship before starting your studies, even if some examination regulations allow you to complete it during the first three semesters.

Information on the required practical phases can be found in the examination regulations and on the respective degree programme page in the A-Z course offerings under "Course content".

Compulsory internships that must be completed before the degree programme can be sponsored by BAf?G under certain circumstances.

(Kopie 2)

The following degree programmes require an internship during the course of study :

Information on the required practical phases can be found in the examination regulations and on the respective degree programme page in the study programme A-Z under "Study content".

(Kopie 3)

An internship is compulsory in the following Master's degree programmes:

Information on the required practical phases can be found in the examination regulations and on the respective degree programme page in the study programme A-Z under "Study content".

In­tern­ship abroad

(Kopie 4)

In the teacher training programme, a stay abroad is compulsory in the foreign language teaching subjects, which can also be implemented as an internship abroad. Further information can be found here:

Of course, a voluntary internship abroad can also be incorporated into any other degree programme. We will be happy to advise you.

In addition to internships abroad, there are also other opportunities for stays abroad.

(Kopie 5)

Information on funding and scholarships for an internship abroad is provided by the International Office. For students of cultural studies programmes (including teaching), the Internship Coordination Office provides information on funding opportunities abroad.

Vol­un­tary in­tern­ships

(Kopie 6)

In addition to the compulsory internship, students can also complete a voluntary internship. This is particularly recommended for degree programmes that do not require a compulsory internship (e.g. economics degree programmes).

It can also be useful to complete several internships during your studies. This allows you to gain practical experience and establish contacts with potential employers.

In­tern­ship or­gan­isa­tion


In the case of compulsory internships that must be completed in accordance with the study regulations, there is no entitlement to remuneration in accordance with the minimum wage.

Information on internships subject to minimum wage can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs!


Leave of absence

Students who are planning an entire internship semester can find out about the possibilities of a leave of absence on the website of the Registrar's Office.

In­tern­ship coun­selling

PLAZ - Pro­fes­sion­al School of Edu­ca­tion

We offer all student teachers information and advice on the practical phases within the teacher training programme.

In­tern­ship of­fices and in­tern­ship co­ordin­at­ors

We offer support in finding and organising internships. The right contact can be found at the bottom of the page under "The right point of contact for every request" in the study programme of the respective degree course.

Cent­ral Stu­dent Ad­vis­ory Ser­vice (ZSB)

We advise students from all disciplines on all questions relating to their studies, in particular on practical and career-oriented study programmes.

Fur­ther prac­tice op­tions

For students who would like to gain practical experience outside of internships, we offer the opportunity to combine theory and practice in various projects.

Con­tact us

Are all your questions still unanswered? Then the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) will be happy to provide you with further information:

Prak­tikum­sin­form­a­tion­en für Schüler­*innen

Du bist Schüler*in und m?chtest ein verpflichtendes oder freiwilliges Praktikum an der Universit?t Paderborn absolvieren? Hier findest du alle wichtigen Informationen rund um das Thema Praktikum und die M?glichkeiten, die dir an unserer Universit?t offenstehen.