Fur­ther of­fers

Welcome to NRW!

A wide range of offers and information for refugees from Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia and the whole of Germany are collected and continuously updated on this page.

If you are not yet in Germany, but are currently or in future unable to complete your studies due to a personal threat situation, you can apply to be nominated for the Hilde Domin Programme.

A detailed description of the application procedure at Paderborn University can be found here.

Further Funding Programms / Scholarships

Welcome (studienfonds-owl.de)

Refugees at Higher Education Institutions - DAAD

Scholarship Database - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

Homepage - Hans-B?ckler-Stiftung (boeckler.de)

Scholarships for various target groups - a list by ZSB, Paderborn University   

StipendiumPlus - Who we are

Otto-Benecke-Stiftung (provides also funding during preparatory courses, e.g. for public tranport to attend the course)

General Information for refugees

BAMF - Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge - Homepage

Federal Ministry of Culture and Science NRW (in German)

Refugees aid and activities

Coordination of Activities for Refugees by the City of Paderborn  (in German)

Initiatives for Refugees in the region of Paderborn

Refugee aid by Caritas

Psychosoziales Zentrum (PSZ) Paderborn: Psychosocial support for refugees and torture victims (in German)

Stellenangebote in der Migrations- und Flüchtlingshilfe bei den Maltesern (in German)

Johanniter Flüchtlingshilfe und Integration | Johanniter (in German)

"Sprachschlüssel" and "Tür?ffner" - Integration projects for refugees in Paderborn  (in German)

Bildungsberatung Garantiefonds Hochschule (in German)

German Courses and Study

German language courses at Paderborn University

Living in Germany - Mein Weg nach Deutschland - Goethe-Institut

onset für Flüchtlinge (in German)

Videos on Youtube: OnSET / TestAS

Information for Refugees who would like to study in North Rhine Westphalia

Information for refugees | uni-assist 

Programm für Flüchtlinge an Hochschulen: Bis zu 30 Millionen Euro j?hrlich für Integrationsmodell | Land.NRW (in German)

Study programmes and language courses - DAAD

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Information for Refugees

Test für Ausl?ndische Studierende (testas.de)

Kiron Open Higher Education

Education and Profession

Home - Jobcenter Kreis Paderborn (jobcenter-paderborn.de)

Living, studying, working in Germany | Bundesagentur für Arbeit (arbeitsagentur.de)

Support for Refugees from Ukraine | Bundesagentur für Arbeit (arbeitsagentur.de)

The job board for refugees – workeer

Recognition of your education / profession

Netzwerk Unternehmen integrieren Flüchtlinge (in German)

Bildungsberatung Garantiefonds Hochschule (in German)

Welcome - Goethe-Institut …

Multilingual Apps und Web offers
For refugees who just arrived in Germany.