Pil­lar 3: Pro­fes­sion­al com­pet­ence

Do you struggle with Power Point or want to learn more about Adobe InDesign? The IMT offers a spectrum of doIT courses! You can become the treasurer for a student club, do a photography class, join a debating society or take part in an experimental game – all of that can be part of your upb+ certificate!


Partner Description Type of offer
Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA)

As part of the student body, they represent the student body, execute decisions from the student parliament (StuPa) and handle administrative issues of the student body.
  • 365足彩投注_365体育投注@s on important skills, e.g. finance, project management and many more
  • Goal: transfer of knowledge and upgrading skills in different areas
  • Target audience: partly all students, partly only people in active voluntary engagements
  • Diverse opportunities, to voluntarily participate in the AStA
Further information about the offer can be found here.
Events/365足彩投注_365体育投注@s, voluntary work

Campus Consult e.V.

The student consultancy based in the Technology Park in Paderborn has been advising companies in the OWL region for more than 25 years

  • Campus Consult's aim: Gaining practical experience and putting theoretical knowledge into practice
  • Enhancement of soft skills and professional competencies through participation in and implementation of training courses and projects
  • Students have the opportunity to get to know management consultancies from all over Germany

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary work
European Horizons Paderborn

The initiatives focusses on the discourse and exchange about the European Union
  • Organisation and realization of discussions and presentations
  • Ongoing exchange with Chapters across Europe
  • Opportunity to write papers to be published through European Horizons

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Events/365足彩投注_365体育投注@s, voluntary work

Fachschaftsrat International Business Studies (FSR IBS)

Represents the students of the subject area IBS in the university politics and enables versatile engagement at the University of Paderborn

  • Collaboration in various areas: O-week planning, events, office hours, trips, etc.
  • Participation in weekly exchanges about current topics of university politics

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary work

Fachschaftsrat Wirtschaftsinformatik (FSR Winfo)

Representation for students of Business Information Systems at Paderborn University and Germany wide

  • Organisation of different events with cultural,-study, and career related focus
  • Participation in University committees

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Events/365足彩投注_365体育投注@s, voluntary work

Fachschaftsrat Wirtschaftswissenschaften (FSR Wiwi)

Representation for students of Economic Science through elected representatives in University committees

  • Wide range of participation in events, especially orientation week
  • Regular internal events, e.g. barbecue, bowling and canoeing

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work

Fachschaftsrat Popul?re Musik und Medien

Representation for students of Popular Music and Media studies

  • Organisation of projects for students of the music department, including orientation week
  • Organisation of events and engagement in University politics

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Events/365足彩投注_365体育投注@s, voluntary work

The Center for Information and Media Techonlogies (IMT) offers IT- and media services at Paderborn University: Uni-Account, E-Mail, W-LAN, Software, support with media production and media systems that can be borrowed.
  • The student team of IMT:doIT offers free IT-training courses for students at Paderborn University
  • Including: Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Adobe (InDesign and Photoshop), LaTeX
  • Duration of the courses: ~10 hours each

Further information about the offer can be found here.

L'UniCo - Campusradio Paderborn e.V.

The student radio station at Paderborn University broadcasts during the semester and covers different topics, from music, sports to news
  • Participation in editorial meetings
  • Planning upcoming events
  • Realization of ideas and topics in the editorial meetings

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work

MTP – Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis e.V.

The nationwide biggest non-profit marketing-student-initiative with 19 university locations

  • Goals: to offer interested students a view into practical marketing
  • Diverse range of opportunities for members, as well as non-members, e.g. 365足彩投注_365体育投注@s, lectures, in which students and companies can reach out to one another
  • Students regularly work on projects, national major events, based on club internal training

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work

oikos Paderborn

A community made up of students from every subject with the common goal, to cause a change towards a more social, environmental and economical sustainability at University

  • Organisation of different formats surrounding the issue of sustainability z.B. conferences, company visits, workshops, lectures
  • participation in marketing, finance and event organisation
  • Participation in international conferences

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work
Programmkino Lichtblick e.V.

Since 2003 they show around 15 films each semester in the Pollux cinema Paderborn – everything between marginal films, art house and classics
  • Diverse range of  tasks: Choosing films and programme themes, designing flyers and posters, social media and much more
  • Working together with cinemas and  distributors

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary Work

Higher Education Development Office (HEDO)

Consultation and  backing of different agents within the University on everything from constructing to improving Teach-Study-processes. Including qualification measures mainly for students with tutorial tasks 


  • Students are taught through Blended Learning Courses on E-Learning and the use of digital mediums while teaching
  • Following basic training is a practical project in which E-Learning is used in the context of a class

Further information about the offer can be found here.


  • The programme focusses on students in the humanities with tasks surrounding tutorial teaching

  • Contents: workshops (e.g. Teaching and studying, group processes  in a Tutorial, Handling challenging situations), case consultation, sitting in on lectures and production of a learning journal
  • Goals:
    (1) qualification of students in their tutorial tasks and improving university teachings
    (2) qualification of students as a preparation for their later career path
Further information about the offer can be found here.


3D-printing service for students and employees at Paderborn University. Objects and people can be scanned, orders are received and printing jobs are queued up

  • Three workshops á 2-3h on topics such as 3D-print,3D-scan and CAD-construction of objects and bodies, to teach basic skills
  • 365足彩投注_365体育投注@s will be done partly theoretical and practical with the machines available in the StudentLab3D
Further information about the offer can be found here.

The university student newspaper, published every two weeks during the semester and keeps students up-to-date with everything in and around university
  • In-depth look into journalistic work from an idea to the finished newspaper, behind the scenes
  • Free choice of topics, as long as they are relevant and valuable for students at Paderborn University
  • Regular editorial work covers everything from Live-Feed (e.g. tweets about the student parliament) to preparation of Interviews with artists and people at the university (e.g. during the AStA Summer Festival)
Further information about the offer can be found here.
Voluntary Work

UPBracing Team e.V.

As a student initiative at Paderborn University, UPBracing Team e.v. is focused on the development and production of three Formula racing cars, through interdisciplinary collaboration between departments


  • Development, simulation, construction and production of race cars
  • Participation in Europe-wide Formula Student Events
  • Marketing of race cars & team through communication and marketing

Further information about the offer can be found here.

Voluntary work, events/workshops

Zentrum für Rechtschreibkompetenz
(Center for Competence in Orthography)

365足彩投注_365体育投注@s and consultation for every students on the subject of German grammar and the correct format of academic papers



  • With a functional and competence oriented approach, the centre helps understand orthography and comma placement and why academic norms are helpful and necessary
  • Six workshops over the duration of a semester (including the break)
  • Topics: comma placement, use of capital and small initial letters, separate spelling, usual spelling mistakes, format-workshops (citations and bibliography)
  • The option of receiving an orthography certificate
Further information about the offer can be found here.

Center for Language Studies (ZFS)

The place to go for every student or university employee, who is interested in languages

  • Language classes during the semester in up to 20 languages, comprehensive classes during the semester break, self-learning centre as well as many other opportunities to learn languages ( tandem learning, learning strategy workshops, etc.)
  • Accredited examination centre for TOEFL, DELE and UNIcert?

Further information about the offer can be found here. 
