Ad­vice and fur­ther in­form­a­tion

Advice on study-related stays abroad:

Information Events
If you are interested in spending a semester abroad, please first attend one of our general information events. We will provide information on studying abroad at one of our partner universities as well as on the application process, Erasmus+ grants for internships and further opportunities for studying abroad for example as a free mover or through a summer school. The dates and times of upcoming information events can be found here.

Office hours
Individual counselling on Erasmus+ funding for internships abroad is available during office hours or by prior appointment.

What are the advantages of an internship abroad compared to studying abroad?

  • Utilisation of what you have learnt during your studies, orientation for further academic progress
  • Asset on the CV, networking and getting to know prospective employers
  • No ties to partner universities, (almost) any institution is possible
  • Acquisition of ECTS not compulsory
  • Graduate internships also possible (transition between studies and work)
  • Not bound to semester times, freely selectable period
  • Flexible, application possible up to 6 weeks before start
  • Intense contact with locals
  • Slightly higher funding

Further links:

Recognition of academic achievements abroad
Leave of absence
Insurance, visa and security
Erasmus+ page of the DAAD