Erasmus+ Stu­dent Mo­bil­ity (SMS)

Key Action 131: Mobility of Individuals within Europe

Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme for education, training, youth and sport 2021-2027. Erasmus+ brings together the previous EU programmes for lifelong learning, youth and sport, and the European cooperation programmes in higher education. 14.7 billion euros are available to support more than four million young people and 125,000 institutions and organisations. The seven-year programme aims to improve skills and employability and to advance the modernisation of education, training and child and youth welfare systems. Your semester abroad (SMS - student mobility studies) at one of our Erasmus+ partner universities is funded under Key Action 131 - Individual Mobility.

The Erasmus+ grant

Students can receive an Erasmus+ grant for up to 12 months per study cycle (bachelor, master, PhD) in any combination of Erasmus+ student mobility and Erasmus+ internship abroad. The Erasmus+ grant is a partial grant. The grant amount depends on the country group classification of the host country. Students with children or with disabilities can apply for additional special funding.

What other advantages do Erasmus+ students have?

  • You will be exempt from tuition fees at the partner university.
  • Paderborn University and the partner university will support you before, during and after your exchange.
  • The learning agreements facilitate the recognition of your studies and academic achievements abroad.
  • You can improve your language skills through free online language courses.
  • Your rights are defined in the Erasmus+ Student Charta .

What obligations do I have?

All Erasmus+ students are obligated to complete and submit various documents before, during and after their exchange. A detailed list of these documents can be found here.


Apply at the International Office to take part in a student exchange lasting for either one or two semesters at one of our partner universities in an Erasmus+ programme country. If you are offered a place, you will automatically enter into the Erasmus+ programme.????

Als Erasmus+ Studierende*r sind 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ dazu verpflichtet, vor, w?hrend und nach der Mobilit?t bestimmte Dokumente und Unterlagen zu erstellen und einzureichen. Eine genaue Auflistung finden 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ hier.


Bewerben 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ sich im International Office um ein/zwei Auslandssemester an einer Partnerhochschule in einem Erasmus+ Programmland. Erhalten 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ einen Austauschplatz, werden 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ ohne weiteren Antrag in Erasmus+ aufgenommen.


Mehr zu Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Code der UPB


Erasmus+ Charta 2021-2027

Erasmus+ Policy State­ment 2021-2027

Hil­freiche Web­seiten