Aus­l?ndis­che Stud­i­er­enden-Ver­tre­tung ASV (In­ter­na­tion­al Stu­dent Uni­on)

The International Student Union (ASV) is a student organization, which represents all of the international students at the University of Paderborn, no matter if they are students attending regular courses, German course participants or applicants.

The ASV team helps students with accommodation or job searches, they accompany students to the registration authorities and advise students with social issues. Furthermore, the ASV organizes sport courses and cultural events, where you can socialize with other international students.

On the premises of the ASV you have the opportunity to use the internet on their computers (e.g. to skype or call someone back home) or get answers to questions. The office is located in the building P9, in room 103.

Interested? If so, the ASV looks forward to meeting you soon for a coffee or tea.

You can also visit the ASV website.